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*Milan and her sweater ^^^
Milan Katalina Kovac | Sterling Academy

"Some times people hate you
for the way other people love you."

On Sunday I had wanted to avoid the prince like a plague, but considering I was his bodyguard and that wasn't something I could do, I simply ignored him.

Which wasn't hard at all considering he acted like I wasn't even there as well.

By Monday everything was somewhat back to normal. Thalia and Thaddeus seemed to come to some sort of agreement from their feud and were now back to sticking to each other like conjoined twins.

As for Thaddeus and I, well it seemed like we took a step foreword on Saturday and then two steps back.

Or more like fell down the steps to the bottom.

"Watch it you egotistical twat," I scowl at Thaddeus as he bumps into my elbow, making me splatter paint all over my arm. If he makes me drop even a single drop of paint on my clothes, so help me god...

We were currently in Art class, which was a class we shared with the rest of the group. It was our first class of the day and it was usually relatively calm and relaxing. Today I was just a little more irritable than usual.

In addition to Thaddeus's bipolar-ness, Grandpa Ollie had called me at 3 in the morning for a "prince finding" update.

Considering I hadn't gone to bed till about 2 because I had to do my report and I was one of those people that had a very hard time going back to sleep after being interrupted, you can probably imagine why I wasn't in the best mood. Running on 2 mere hours was not a good look for me.

"Your elbow was in my way," Thaddeus says scowling back at me.

"This is my table you reprehensible imbecile." Each person had their own mini desk and easel, there was no reason for him to be this close to me.

"You're hogging all the paint."

"There's literally a whole unopened box of paints ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM," I hiss out, grabbing back the tube of white from his hand. Me running on only a few hours of sleep and being forced to be in the presence of this insufferable asshole was not good for my health.

"You seem upset," he says with a smirk. "Am I getting under your skin love?"

"I do not have enough energy to deal with your deliriousness." I rubbed my eyes for what felt like the millionth time today.

My tiredness was something I could deal with, there were days where I had to pull all nighters for jobs. But my crankiness while tired was not something I had mastered to control.

"Clearly," he says with a scoff, still not moving away from me, much to my annoyance. "You didn't even have the energy to look presentable today."

For christ sake I just wanted to paint my clouds in peace will he just shut the fuck up.

Today was one of my cheat days. I was wearing a comfortable pair of leggings and an navy blue oversized that had belonged to my mom. I tried to up style it with a few golden necklaces but it still seemed to pale next to the outfits i've worn recently. Not that I really cared right now.

I hadn't thought about the fact that we were painting today, and how the class was apparently too good to have aprons just laying around.

I cannot afford to get paint on this sweater, it'll be ruined.

"You know I think you could learn a thing or two from Thalia," he whispers so only I can hear and I close my eyes trying to calm myself. Breath Milan, think of puppies and rainbows.

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