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Circle and circle and circle
above the carcass of the world

I, a vulture with balding malignancy
You, a raven, his sadness flowing vividly

We watch and we watch and we watch

Then we talk
About how the world is shit
On how the demons stalk and talk
And how we slowly lost our once firm grip

I forget my fear when I'm with you
My feathers feel stiff the moment you turn your tail

But I don't feel that I love you
No, I feel something else
I feel home
Is home a feeling?

Is being warm in someone's presence,
no matter how could they believe themselves to be, is it home?
If so, I home you

Still it cripples me at night, the violence of silence
When all is dark and the devil's delights-
are like oxygen to me

The fear

What if I don't feel home to you?
What if you don't home me too?

The sun sets and our wings are gone
Only hands and feet, bound to our center, our core
Solitary yet together, silent yet calm
Waiting again, for our wings to grow back

So we can circle and circle and circle one more

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