Six gem au

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So I couldn't sleep last night so my mind went wild. Which in turn resulted in me making another AU.
So in homeworld white Diamond makes a red diamond, who is Henry the 8th. This diamond is more psychopathic and cruel to the gems than the other diamonds. Eventually this lead to his shattering at the hand of a gem but, not before he bubbles six gems he used to fuse with in private.
Eventually a pearl stumbles upon them. She brings the bubbles gems to white diamond and the others. The diamonds realize all six and we get the main six, and only, characters of the six musical.
Once they're released, white diamond assumes they were bubbled for a reason. The gems try to explain that they did nothing wrong and instead red diamond misused them. Yet, white refuses to hear anything about it. Instead she makes a trial where all the Diamonds while listen to their stories to determine if they should be aloud to be unbubbled.
Until the trial they're each locked in separate cells, forced to face their possible eve of eternal torture being locked in a bubble for the rest of time alone. So they're all a little angsty when the trial starts, except a red Opal, who is convinced none of them will be bubbled away forever.
  As you can guess they're all aloud to explain at the same time which ends up with the opening number as they try to explain what happened to the diamonds. Yet, they're unsamused by the stories and make the gems go in order of who went missing first to who went missing last to see how bad red diamond really was.
So they let the first one go who is, a yellow Amber, who as you can guess is Catherine of Aragon. Her dispersants was recorded by Red Diamond himself and people actively searched for her. Yet, as you could guess he was a big díck to her. She sings the same song as in the musical and throw Anne under the bus, it's to the point where she actively glares at her at the end. As you can guess draws fuel to the fire making Anne get upset about Catherine, enough to sing wearing yellow to a funeral later.
  So they let the first one go who is, a yellow Amber, who as you can guess is Catherine of Aragon. Her dispersants was recorded by Red Diamond himself and people actively searched for her. Yet, as you could guess he was a big díck to her. She sings the same song as in the musical and throw Anne under the bus, it's to the point where she actively glares at her at the end. As you can guess draws fuel to the fire making Anne get upset about Catherine, enough to sing wearing yellow to a funeral later
Then cue the normal introduction to Anne Bolyen where instead of being texting she's chatting with a Pearl. Anne is a Kiwi Topaz so she's rare. So rare that it was reported when she went missing and searched for longer than Catherine which, Catherine finds offensive.
Anyways Anne starts singing don't lose your head. Once the songs over, Blue Diamond is starting to get appalled by red diamonds actions. Like to the point where she's near frustrated tears. Once Catherine sees this she starts arguing with Anne, who in turn starts singing wearing yellow to a funeral.
Yeah, let's just say more Topazs needed to be called to break the two apart before Jane gets a turn to sing,
Jane Seymour, a white Agate, sings the same song because surprising, they had a son. She got bubbled shortly after having him to hide the fact that red diamond had a child. Jane, ends up doing her usual song as in the musical even crying at some points.
They have to take a short break after that while the diamonds discuss what they know so far. While they're gone Anne gets in a few more stabs at Catherine and a few at Jane. They start bickering and Katherine Howard, a pink Kunzite, tries breaking it up. She does try her hardest when Catherine of Aragon snaps at asking who she is because no one even knew she existed until now.
When Katherine goes to  defend herself the trial starts again.
Once the show starts they ask Anna of Cleves, a red opal, what happened to her. She explains it's a long story and they demand she starts at the beginnning. So the gems sing haus of holbein. They reallying get into it and Anna is smiling so brightly when she sings about it before ending the song with how she had her portrait made. Then she gets onto her relationship with Red Diamond.
  She ends up singing Get down, being as confident as ever. It only makes sense though. She was a battle gem who won countless battles and was rewarded with her own tiny section of a planet. If she wanted something she got it on her own. Then suddenly a Red Diamond moves in next door and tries whooing her. She flirts back and ends up going out with him but, then she reveals he was seeing another gem at this time. Yet, she didn't care much. After all she can get a new man..then you knowhe put her in a bubble one day when she tied to leave him.
  The queen fight occurs but instead of Katherine Howard saying she won, its Anne joking around when she says it. Then Catherine of Aragon gets mad and the normal fight occurs where she lets it slip she adopted a young female alien named Mary who no one can track down. She rips into Anne, who rips back, before Jane gets involved.
  Eventually Catherine Parr breaks them up after Anne and Catherine of Aragon get into another fist fight. At the end of the scuffle Katherine Howard gets hit in the face making Yellow diamond break them up. Once she makes sure Katherine is okay, they explain it is her turn.
  Right before she opens her mouth the normal intro to her song begins. Catherine of Aragon snaps at her. This prompts Katherine to do her usual intro of roasting everyone, including the fact that Catherine Par wasn't bubbled until days after Red Diamond was shattered by his pearl. Once she's asks how she could compete with their pasts before singing all you wanna do.
When the song ends she breaks down crying. Her emotion of sorrow gets so bad that she poofs herself. The second she poofs the other five gems rush over to pick her gem up but, are forced to stop and sob when Blue diamond break down in tears. They all sob as blue pearl gets the newly pooped gem waiting for her to reform.
  Once blue Diamond calms down it's Catherine Pars, a blue Kyanite's, turn. She slowly starts to sing her song I don't need your love, explaining she was in love with a quartz gem, whom she had to give up being with when her superior gem, Red Diamond demanded they be together. Then once red diamond is shattered it's explained his pearl assumed she was part of the shattering and poofed her.
Then once their songs are done they are dismissed while the Diamonds discuss what to do. This time they are put in the same cell and start discussing how bad Red Diamond was. They start discussing his flaws. Then the topics change to what they used to do. Before they knew what's happening they're all talking and comforting each other like friends when Katherine Howard is returned in a new form. They tackle hug her before continuing to get along, just trying to make their last possible free moments out of the bubbles worth it.
  However, soon they are told they're free to go back to their lives. They just sit there ins hook before leaving to try and go back to their purpose. The only one that succeeds is Anna but, she soon invites the other to her home to have them 'work' for her when in reality she just wants friends with her.
Once they move in together they start wrtiiting music together before they agree to become a girl group of sorts. They sing six as we see them grow as people. Catherine of Aragon starts trying to get along with Anne more. Jane starts trying to look for her son while helping Anna get used to new rules. Katherine helps train a new gems on the planet between concerts. Catherine Parr meanwhille helps Anna get back to her old rules.
  They are seen singing on stage before we see Catherine of Aragon and Jane are searching for their children while Catherine Parr is looking for her lover.

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