Veruca Salt

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Charlie's POV
Another day and another ticket has been found. I'm sat in the same position I normally watch TV in, by my grandparents bed. Mom and dad had gone out and haven't come back yet so we are watching the TV to entertain ourselves.
TV person: "the second golden ticket has been found !!"
It then switched to the golden ticket winner.
Reporter: "veruca can you spell that for us?"
Veruca: "V-E-R-U-C-A . Veruca Salt"
Mr Salt: "as soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets, I started buying up all the wonka bars I could lay my hands on. Thousands of them.... hundreds of thousands.Im in the nut business you see, so I said to my workers. 'Good morning ladies! From now on you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers of these chocolate bars instead!'
There was a pause where he had stopped talking so the reporters could take everything in.
Mr Salt: "A few days went by and we had no luck it was terrible. My little Veruca got more and more upset each day." There was another pause. "Well gentlemen I just hated to see my little girl unhappy like that I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. Finally we found it"

Charlie: "that's not fair, she didn't find the ticket herself"
Grandma Josephine: "it's because she is spoiled by her parents"
Grandpa Joe: "nothing good ever comes from spoiling a child like that"
Then my mom and dad come running through the door, they looked at each other and walked over to me and my grandparents.
Mr Bucket: "Charlie... mom and I thought. Maybe you would like to open your birthday present tonight"
I smiled at my mom and dad.
Mrs Bucket: "here you are" she said handing me the present. I opened it and saw my favourite chocolate bar.
Charlie: "maybe I should wait till morning"
Grandpa George: "like hell"
Grandpa Joe: "altogether we are 381 years old... we don't wait"
I looked down at the chocolate bar and began to open it.
Mrs Bucket: "Charlie don't be to disappointed... you know if you don't get the thing..."
Mr Bucket: "whatever happens you'll still have the candy"
I continued to open it and then I quickly took the wrapper off, my smile turned into a sad expression.
Grandpa Joe: "oh well... that's that"
Charlie: "we will share it"
Grandpa Joe: "oh no Charlie, not your birthday present"
Charlie: "it's my candy bar and I'll do what I want with it"
I then broke the chocolate bar handing pieces to my family and we all ate it savouring every flavour.

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