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Synopsis :

Six long years ago when everything was ruined by HIM.
Her vivacity, her family and her lovers.
She lost everything, the hopes, her intent to live, the assurance and generally her well being.
She condemned and abominated him every single day.

She never reckoned something like falling in love with him for the reasons only her heart's can understand.
Not precisely by his physical attractiveness BUT on his pure heart that undoubtedly embezzle her heart in an instance.
Her hatred towards him became entirely besotted.

But a test of faith once again embraces her. Where she's pushing on the darkness out while seeing his man's cold face. His indisputably good looking love turned into a cold cadaver.

God's miracle appeared at all cost. God brought back him to life.
She, the one who had the biggest prospects and beliefs, who lived a melancholic past,STEFFANYE MARIKIT SABIELRA-LOUTH.

Now that KING HEDRIC LOUTH was regained, bestowed a second chance to be the best man as expected, a husband to his wife and a father to his child.
He who possessed a well proportioned young man, a former CASANOVA who cuddles anywhere, nonetheless turned the most benevolent soul she ever had.

He is back for reasons.
His love to his wife was now unending. Uncontrollable and pivoted to be possessions. He was being obsessed created by the past. The formerly CASANOVA'S WIFE was now THE KING'S OBSESSION....

/Author's note:
sinubukan ko lang naman kung kayang mag english. Hindi ko na uulitin pa./

Casanova's Wife 2 : King's Obsession [COMPLETED] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon