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This is my imagination of brandon.


Brandon had left for work a couple of minutes ago and i was already missing him. Before he left he brought me something causal from his sister's closet so i didn't have to leave wearing the only clothes had right now which was my uniform.I was intrigued of how his sister had all these luxurious clothes and never wore them. The skinny jeans i had on now cost more than my rent. There was no doubt this family had it.

I followed the trail from last night trying to find the kitchen to grab a meal before i head out. I was now in the hallway, Confuse to where i was going in this huge mansion i started to get paranoid. But i couldn't help but take in the spendid view of this place, every inch of it shouts expense yet it was miraculously decorated.

I cautiously viewed the ornaments placed in the hallway. These weren't any ornaments they were ancient. And they seemed like they cost a fortune. My eye was caught on the one on the counter just opposite Brandon's room. It was made of glass, it was of a man holding a woman ever so delicately as if he was scared to let her go, her back was at his chest and his right arm was around her waist while his left caressed her cheek, his head was besides her face as if he was whispering something in her air. I went over to get a closer, feeling the urge i placed the ornament in my hand.

I must have been in my own thoughts as i heard someone coughed startling me, i jump a bit but almost causing the precious piece in my hand to fall on the ground.

I turned around placing my hands on my chest.

''goodness gracious, henry you scared the hell out of me''.

''sorry mam, but a miss Peterson is here to see you''.

''she's here, right now?''.

''yes miss montez, this way please''.

He turned and i followed his heel, suddenly my tummy decided to cause a riot. I was so hungry i could eat a shark.

''arr henry is it possible for me to get some breakfast before leaving?''.

''yes I will have one of the staff take care of your needs mam, if you just go through there, the living room where miss peterson awaits you, i will be back to fetch you when your meal is ready''.

''thank you henry', your the best'. I smiled but he didn't return any then he left.

I walked straight in the room Bonnie was busying her self looking at the variety of books.

''well first time i see you ready a book even though it's the cover''.

She turned to me with a smirk on her face, then replaced it with a general smile.

''lina this place is amazing, girl when that guy came to collect me i felt like i was going to meet the Queen, i can't believe this is all yours''.

''now Bonnie this isn't mine, its his, i am not a gold digger''.

''yh but lina your dating the guy ehich Literally makes it yours besides you just met the man now you have a n iphone 6,do you know how much those things cost'', she asked lifting her eyebrow.

''yea i just met him, yet he wants to take care of my finances i swear that man is all kinds of crazy''.

''you really like him don't you? ''

''is it that obvious?''.

''yes lina it is, your whole face literally lits up and bloom when you talk about him, i felt it through the phone now I'm seeing it truly''.

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