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"But why, Faith? Why do you have to change schools when you can-"

"Lose weight!?" I scoffed, folding my oversized hoodie neatly and making my way towards the closet to keep inside. I rolled my eyes when my mom stopped me in the way, took the hoodie from my hands and started folding it again.

"So what if you did. I can finally get rid of these hideous," She flipped the shirt, bringing the sleeves together in middle and straightening the creases,"garments that you are so fond of."

"It's not always about the weight, mom." I mumbled, stacking the various brochures I received from the university workshop we had today, staring in longing at Yale. "Arthur Academy is a brand. It will help me with my acceptance in Yale. And besides," I picked up the letter and showed it to her,"I'm going on a scholarship so you don't really have to worry about any fees at all." I smiled at her horrified face as she marched towards me.

"You got what now!?" She snatched the envelope from my hand, removing the neatly folded letter in it with a maroon stamp. Taking a pocket knife, I quickly broke open the seal and handed it to her. I already knew what was written inside, having by-hearted each and every word yesterday when I received the e-mail but I wanted to see my mom's reaction as her eyes skimmed through every letter, widening and widening till they halted at the word 'full paid.'

"FAITH AVERY, YOU ARE OFFICIALLY MY FAVORITE DAUGHTER THIS YEAR." She exclaimed, engulfing me in a hug-well, as far as her arms could stretch which encircled me fully only by the neck-as I felt tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Stop it mom, I'm your only daughter." She snorted through her tears, slapping my arm as we both laughed in joy.

"So what, I might've other children but-"

"You like me more." I finished, laughing again when she pouted and stuck her tongue out. I swear sometimes I feel like my mom is seven and I am her forty five year old mother.

"Now now, what did I tell you about group hugs and not inviting me, huh?" My big brother Aaron tsked whom I didn't realise had creeped through the stairs without making a sound, squeezing us all in a bear hug making us protest as we tried to break free from the stench of his smelly armpits.


I walked the halls for the last time. And as usual, my eyes flitted across the lobby to him. The guy I was crazy about. The guy with whom I had falled madly in love with. The guy I would never meet after today. The guy who didn't even knew about my existence.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" My friend Catherine asked, suddenly appearing at my side, taking a bite from her apple. "You just have to talk to that damn guy-"

I lifted my hand to stop her.

"I'm sure, Cat." I gave her my best convincing look which showcased how certain I was of changing things. I cannot live like this anymore. And she very well knew that. Especially not after that happened.

"Yeah right and I'm straight." She rolled her eyes, pushing herself off the wall when bell rang and walking towards the other direction. "Have fun forgetting us." Her voice echoed as I sighed, hoping that one day she finally understands and forgives me.

With this last though, I made my way towards the locker to clear my stuff and never return to Hilly High ever again.

Aloha, guys!
This is the prologue for my very first book ever. It has always been my dream to write a book on plus size characters or other than whatever click you normally find in here.
So hope your enjoy your stay here and don't forget to like and comment!

I love reading your thoughts and views.
Till next time,

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