ii. meeting old friends

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"New girl. Please come up here and introduce yourself. We'd like to know you a little better, wouldn't we guys?" Mr. Harris, my new math teacher smiled, motioning me to come forward in the front. After weird encounters in hallway with weird people and a strange boy, being chased for no reason by Mr. Heckles which I later came to know was a literal dog with sharp canines whom Meryl tried to warn me about and a tedious and very fast paced class which I could barely keep up due to missing out on a week's classes, my day couldn't get any worse. I sighed and got up from my seat.

All the murmur and chatter ceased to stop as soon as I walked up in the front and cleared my throat. I have always hated this part.

"Hi. I am Faith.. Uh, Faith Williams and I am from Hilly High. I recently got a scholarship to study here and hope to have a good senior year." I shrugged, roaming my eyes over everyone's bored faces.

Am I boring you? Sorry for the inconvenience.

I rolled my eyes internally, looking over to the teacher. He opened his mouth to say something more but was saved by the ring of the bell. I sighed in relief and walked over to my desk to pick up my bag only to freeze at a very familiar voice.

"Well, well, well.. Look who we have here." A voice came from behind me, making me visibly freeze.

I knew that voice clearly. I just didn't think my encounter with him would be that early.

"Hello to you too, Jackass- oh, I mean Jackson." I controlled my laughter at the pissed off look on his awfully pale face, which was now turning a bright pink in anger. He must be waiting outside the classroom since I haven't see him in any of my lectures till now.

Please God don't let him be in any of my class!

For those of you who are wondering, this is David Black Jackson, one of the many bullies I had in middle school. Too bad he was caught bullying a girl by the principal herself and had to be expelled. But due to his ultra rich parents and more than average results, he was given admission in Arthur Academy. I remember the news being the hot topic for two straight months in sixth grade.

I hadn't seen him since then. Honestly, I think I kinda find him hot, now that he has all grown with all those ripped arms and stiff body. Almost made me swoon but the stupid, familiar smirk plastered across his face reminded me of his sister which was enough to make my face go sour.

"Still the same, I see. I thought Avery must have taught you a lesson or two in that dumb public school of yours." He folded his arms, leaning behind with a small smirk.

I cringed at her name.

Avery Rachel Jackson, or barbie doll as I was so fond of calling her was my arch nemesis or once ex-best friend. We were practically inseparable in grade four. But when she found out the guy she was crushing on for days had a crush on me, her persona did a complete 180 degree. From the sweet, loving Avery, she became a jealous, spiteful b*tch. I mean, what an idiot. I barely knew Mason Wallace. I was so busy in self loath I never really thought of anyone even liking me. So one day during lunch when he awkwardly approached our table and asked me out on a date, like a normal and kind person I turned him down. I was shocked but the the sneaky glances he would give me in English class after I helped him solve a problem kind of gave me the vibes. I would even try to dodge his advances to talk to me after the class ends. But Avery, sweet sweet Avery who now I realised was a huge idiot, broke off her friendship with me and started badmouthing me all over the school. Soon from a fat, nobody, I became every student's victim of bullying.

Too bad they didn't know I was not some average, overweight girl they can insult and get away with it.

"Oh yeah she did. The art of how to ignore a Jackson when you see one. Quite a meaningful lesson it was. Still useful for me while conversing with another one of your type." I smiled at him mockingly, searching for my satchel but was stopped by his muscular arm.

I rolled my eyes. Here we go, I thought.

"Listen carefully, fatso. You're a disgrace. Nothing, but a f*cking disgrace. You're loud, you're fat, you're dumb, you're-"

"-late. I know, I know. Tell me something new."

"-you're, am I done talking here!?" He barked, his hot breath flaming on my face. If I a were being honest, I was probably a little scared. Seeing that the whole room was empty since it was lunch and the cafeteria was all the way in the other building. So even if he hit me and I screamed --which I would never by the way-- no one can hear us. Therefore the only brilliant thing I could do was turn on the phone recorder silently in my pocket.

"I'm sorry David, I'm so sorry i shouldn't.. I shouldn't have crossed the line." I faked a cracked voice, sighing loudly, and was met with a confused face. But him being a complete moron who thought he could seriously scare me, his face dissolved into complete arrogance as he continued with a sneer. "Good. You're fast. So pay heed to my warning and never, I repeat never fucking think of talking to me with that same attitude. This ain't Hilly High sweetheart. Trust me, we hate fat, unattractive people. Especially the ones like you. One wrong word and your whole year will be ruined. One smart move and you'll be ruined. In that shitty school you had friends, you had support. But here you have no one. If you thought I was bad, people here are worse. So act, accordingly. You've been warned."

He gave me one last look and left without a word. I knew it was just another of his tactic to scare and make my life more miserable. I had the recording of his threat as a proof. But for some reason today, I wasn't so sure. Something about him felt odd. I could actually see the seriousness, or more like concern in his eyes even when he was threatening me which sounds too weird to think about, by the way.

I suddenly remembered the no phone policy and how punishments are given accordingly to people violating the rules.

If anyone tries anything I won't be able record it.

I leaned against the side bench and gulped.

What have I gotten myself into?

The below picture is of David.

Who else likes Miguel? I just loved him in Elité

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Who else likes Miguel? I just loved him in Elité. But feel free to imagine David as whoever you like. Make sure to comment your thoughts and let me know too. Till next time. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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