i. getting lost

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dedicated to lottiepressman for making me believe there are people who are willing to read this lol.

The car halted in front of the building.

Lush greenery covered the area as the scene before me looked like a painting. A beautiful fountain at the entrance. The rolling hills behind the building provided it the picturesque views that I found myself being lost in. A flash of camera woke me up from my dream.

"Mom!" I gave her a look.

"What? It's pretty. I'd love to show that to your aunts." She said, continuing clicking pictures and asking me to get down and pose too.

Yeah, as if.

Quickly snatching my bag from behind, I opened the car door, kissed her a quick bye and made my way towards the building. Only to have her follow me seconds later.

"I can go my own way, ma." I mumbled, sighing as I heard the beep of my car locking in. It was then I realised the chatter around me had lowed down. Students in uniformed clothes started eyeing me, whispering and laughing amongst themselves as they pointed their perfectly manicured fingers in my direction. I shot them all a narrowed look but when I felt something flashing behind me, I snapped.

"Stop it, ma!" I exclaimed, snatching the phone from her hands. "I can find the office myself. Please, just go."

My mom pursed her lips and without any word, took her phone from my hands and went back to the car.

Great. I am fighting with my mom on the first day of my school.

Turning around, I saw the students disappearing to their respective classes and felt the presence of a headache arise when I realised that I left the school map in the car and now have to search for the admission office in this great maze of a building all one my own.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a very pretty brown girl with glasses.

"Excuse me. Hi! I'm-I'm Meryl and I think that was your-uhm, mother?" She pointed in the direction my mom left and on my nod she continued, "yeah, she dropped this." She handed me a dusty brochure which I realised was the map.


"No problem. But if I were you, I wouldn't follow it. This map was made ten years ago and they've reformed the school so many times in these years yet they distribute these maps. You must be looking for the admission office?" She asked.

I nodded a yes.

"Yeah, so go straight, take a left and use the stairs cuz the lift on the side is private and is only used by The Chosen One's, and-"

"The Chosen One's?" I asked, confused.

"Riiiiight. You're new. The Chosen One's are this school's most prestigious students who get top A facilities after they pass the Chosen Test which each one us had to give every three months. Just go on the school website and search The Chosen Ones, there are so many I can't even remember lol. Anyways yeah, where was I? Ha, so go the third floor, take a right and the first room on the left is the Admission office. Beware of Mr. Heckles though, he bites!" She said, pointing at the window on the third floor.

"Wow, okay thanks for the help but, who's Mr. Heckles-"

"Nice to meet you too, Faith. See you during lunch, bye!" She said, before scurrying off towards the building.

I looked around to see the campus completely deserted.

I guess I have to find out that on my own.

Giving my surroundings one last look, I fished out my phone and clicked a quick selfie, reminding myself to send it to my mom later as a symbol of peace.


I cannot be more pissed at myself.

It was just my first day and I've successfully managed to get lost. I remember following correctly the directions but could not find the office anywhere. For extra help I referred to but I myself didn't know where I stood currently. Stamping my foot on the ground, I groaned loudly. Why did I even have to change schools? Should've stayed in Hilly High. Atleast it didn't look like a huge a*s mantion with paths that could confuse any soul. And if they had changed interiors so much why not update the bloody map!? I haven't even started my first class and am already starting to dislike-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud chatter. I saw a group of very attractive looking students coming my way with their bags slinged behind their back. But unlike everyone else, they weren't wearing the standard uniforms. Instead, they were dressed in some sort of ensemble which had beautiful crowns of different kinds sewed on their breast pockets. They were seven in number with three girls and four boys. From the way they clinged to each other, I presumed the six of them to be couples. But a tall, roguish looking boy with his nose dived deep inside his phone as he swiftly balanced his glasses on his nose made my stomach flutter for some reasons. I ignored it at once.

Since I was in this maze lost and very late to my first class, I decided to ask one of them for directions.

"Uhm, excuse me-"

They halted in their steps and looked at me at the same time, making me gulp.

They are students, Faith. Just like you. Not sharks so stop being so uncomfortable.

I cleared my throat and started again.

"Er.. Hi! I am Faith and kinda lost here so I was thinking if one of you guys could help me find the admission office?"

I felt their eyes moving up and down my figure as they took me in and at last, settled for staring at me more intensely. My palms sweat as I turned my eyes downward, growing visibly uncomfortable in their strong gazes, not being someone to handle people's stares for so long. I cocked my eyebrow in askance as I looked at them in an expectant way.

"Uhm.. Hello...?" I waved a hand in front of their faces, thinking it might snap them out of whatever reverie they were currently busy in.

"They are playing a game." A deep voice came from behind. I immediately looked into that direction and saw the guy with the spectacles casually leaning against the brick wall as he scrolled through his phone. "They are competing how long they can hold their gaze. Just walk straight and take a left. Last room on the right." He said, pointing his long, slender finger behind his back without taking off his gaze from the phone.

Which I found a little rude by the way but whatever. At least he helped unlike..

My eyes widened when I stole a glance towards the other six's direction, who were now groaning and complaining about the shooting pain in their eye. I mean, if you can't handle it why play in the first place?

"You can judge them later. You'll have an entire year for that. But my mom gets real cranky when someone wastes time so better get running." I heard his voice again and found a pair of beautiful, forest green eyes. Strangely for some reason, instead of averting my eyes I found myself lost in those orbs. Though I was no Shakespeare, the beauty of his eyes was so intense I felt like crying and singing ballads for him at the same time.

Sadly he broke off the contact at the ping noise signalling a new notification, going back to staring at his mobile screen.

And that was a signal enough for me to pick my bag up which I didn't realise had fallen down and murmured a small thank you while passing him.

Ten bucks says I'll never have an encounter with this guy ever again.

Who else wishes to put their bet on?
I know I will. ;)

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