• 5 - A M A L I A •

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📍 Silverstone circuit, England

❤ by maxverstappen1, pierregasly, victoriaverstappen, maxverstappenking, redbullracing, dilarasanlik and 92822 others

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by maxverstappen1, pierregasly, victoriaverstappen, maxverstappenking, redbullracing, dilarasanlik and 92822 others

amaliaver: supporting ma brother today❤ #unleashthelion #redbull maxverstappen1 I'm sure you'll do it❤

maxverstappen1: You were my lucky charm today I think🤔❤ Baby sis😉
  ▶ amaliaver: I'm over it..

pierregasly: And you did not support me??😭
  ▶ amaliaver: Of course I did support you too😉❤

landonorris: Did you support me too baby sis??😥 (as I said last time, you are mine too, now)
  ▶ amaliaver: Lando🤣 You're childish but I like it🤣

landonorris: Ah and anyone here shipping Ama and Pierre with me??
  ▶ pierregaslyfans: 🙋🏻🙋🏻
  ▶ danielricciardo: 🙋🏻
  ▶ charles_leclerc: 🙋🏻
  ▶ gg_giadagianna: 🙋🏻
  ▶ amaliaver: okay okay I know it now🤣🙄

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