• 23 - P I E R R E •

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❤ by amaliaver, pierresfans, gaslygoals, f1wags, landonorris and 108252 others

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by amaliaver, pierresfans, gaslygoals, f1wags, landonorris and 108252 others

pierregasly: 🙈❤🤷🏻 I love you❤ amaliaver

amaliaver: Love you too❤

f1wags: You have the most beautiful girlfriend Pierre❤
  ▶ amaliaver: Thank youuu😘❤
  ▶ landonorris: And what about me?😭
  ▶ amaliaver: You don't even have a girlfriend?🤣
  ▶ landonorris: Sure, baby sis. danielricciado is my girlfriend, true baby?😘😘
  ▶ danielricciardo: Uhm nope, sorry Lando, I'm happily taken
  ▶ pierregasly: Ahh I was only off for 10 mins and I missed this😂🤣😭

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