• 16 - A M A L I A •

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📍 Amsterdam, Netherlands

❤ by maxverstappen1, victoriaverstappen, pierregasly, amaliafans, user9 and 80161 others

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by maxverstappen1, victoriaverstappen, pierregasly, amaliafans, user9 and 80161 others

amaliaver: Always my favourite city #amsterdam #home❤

maxverstappen1:  Pierre told me that you are seeing our parents today
  ▶ amaliaver: Yes we do
  ▶ maxverstappen1: They will be so proud of you, that you finally found a nice boy like Pierre

user9: Outfit😍

gg_giadagianni: One day I'll visit Amsterdam😍
  ▶ amaliaver:  Yes, do it!! It is the most beautiful city😍

landonorris: Baby sis, why do you always get away from me??
  ▶ amaliaver: Because I'm not your baby sis😡😡 And not your girlfriend
  ▶ pierregasly: amaliaver you're mine❤

danielricciardo: So it's going to happen.. He gets to know her parents😱 Feels like we all are in a lovestory 😱🤣

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