• 48 - P I E R R E •

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❤ by amaliaver, maxverstappen1, landonorris, gaslygoals, amaliafans and 107649 others

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by amaliaver, maxverstappen1, landonorris, gaslygoals, amaliafans and 107649 others

pierregasly: holidays w/ my love amaliaver

landonorris: Pierre's hand on her ass😂 Priorities😂
  ▶ pierregasly: Shut up🤣

amaliaver: Every holiday with you is a special one❤ Especially this time❤
   ▶ pierregasly: True❤ I love you❤

amaliaandpierre: Especially this time?😱 Everything okay?😱
  ▶ pierregasly: Don't worry, everything is fine❤
  ▶ amaliaver: Cute how you all worry about me and Pierre❤ Everything is okay with us😘

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