1. The Deal

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"I love you Jay."

"I love you Barbie." The night went on til the early morning and the two went back home. Barbara took off her dress and hung it in her closet. Jason did the same as he removed his suit.

"So are we thinking about consummating the marriage Boy Wonder?" Jason raised an eyebrow as he jumped in bed.

"Whatever you want love." Barbara bit her lip as she pulled Jason closer for a kiss. Before anything could happen, Jason heard a ticking coming from underneath the bed. The room got hot and an explosion happened. Jason shielded Barbara from the blaze but it was too late, the fire consumed them and the entire apartment. Jason felt himself fall down for what seemed like hours, fire around him. He landed on the ground and looked up. His body burnt.

"Here is the bargain, if you lead my army you can see Barbara again!!" A longed face monster with sharp teeth, long hair and green eyes was talking to Jason. He looked around to see the fire and millions of things standing and chanting this demon's name.

"Who...The...Hell...Are...You?" Jason saw another figure with the giant monster, a fat clown with blue paint and a ragged jacket.

"I am Malebolgia! What is your answer!?"

"Anything for Barbara! I'll lead your fucking army! Just give me back Barbara!" Jason made his way back to his feet. He stood in front of the giant creature to face it.

"First, we have a task for you. My kin: Trigon was trapped by you and that Azarath whore! Bring me the shard that imprisons him!" Malebolgia wants Trigon back, why? Jason felt him begin levitated and ascended at a rapid pace. Jason fell on the wet concrete, he crawled over to a nearby trash can to pick himself up. He heard people talking near him, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Please you don't need to do this! I have a family!" There was a man kneeling on the ground being doused in gasoline. Along with him were three men with guns.

"For their sake I hope for good life insurance." The man who poured the gas, pulled out a lighter. Jason saw this and even though he was in pain, he knew he had to help.

"Leave him alone!" Jason snapped one of their necks and grabbed his weapon: A Mossberg pump shotgun. Jason fired two shots killing the other two, the light fell to the ground but it closed before it could ignite the man on the ground. Who at this point had grabbed one of the henchmen's pistols.

"Stay back!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The man shot a round off but the spark hit him in the hand, setting him on fire. As the man burned, the smell of burning flesh filled the alleyway. In the blaze Jason saw what looked like Barbara.

"I love you Jay." Jason reached for her but she disappeared. The man was already burnt to a crisp, and very much dead. Jason punched a nearby garbage can, screaming.

"Where are you!? Barbara!!!" Jason fell to the ground but heard laughter.

"Now this is sweet! Look at this guy, you look at him, you look at you, you're a match set. What do you think Jason!" Jason looked over to see that same clown from when he met Malebolgia.

"What the hell is this?"

"It's your work baby! You're a killer, born and bred. You see violence, you act. It's a gift, that's why he picked you."


"Ding, ding, ding. Looks like we got a winner! Yeah he picked you cause you're a tool of destruction. A violent killing machine, I mean look what you did to those drug guys in Bludhaven. Or the Piggy at Arkham! Pretty gruesome stuff, but I can admire creativity." The clown laughed as he talked about all the horrible things Jason did, all while Jason's skin began to hurt from the inside.

"Fuck! What is happening to me!"

"It's just your viral necroplasm going through it's larval phase. Soon you're gonna start growing hair in funny places and be thinking about girls!"

"What are you?"

"Just think of me as your guardian angel! Your Jimmy Stewert and I'm Clarence. Listen in case you forgot the deal Jaybird-"

"Don't call me that unless you want to have to brush your teeth by wiping your ass."

"Yeah, whatever. Malebolgia asked for you specifically cause you got connections. And one of those happens to be the daughter of Trigon: Raven. If memory serves us right, that little goth minx was riding you like one of those mechanical bulls before little old Barbara came around. So you grab her, kill some of those Titan kids, you bring her to Malebolgia, she releases Trigon, The two then have the power to destroy Earth and Heaven at the same time! And I return, you get your Barbara back, hell you can have every Barbara on the planet why settle for leftovers huh!?"

"You want me to end the entire world? I said I would lead an army."

"You agreed, anything for Barbara! What's a little death and destruction gonna change? You'd burn the whole world for Barbara and now when it comes to prove that you're gonna puss out!? Would you like to see what would've happened if she didn't get caught in the crossfire!" The clown grabbed Jason's head and showed him what could've been.

"Barbara I love you."

"I love you Dick." "

Oh my God!" Dick made Barbara go on her all fours, the sweat glistening off her back.. Dick grabbed her hips as he pounded her. Barbara's moaned louder.She had her stomach to the floor, Dick carefully laid right on top of her, spanking her and grabbing her by the throat.

"Say it...Say I'm a better lover, say it!"

"Oh my God, yes Dick! You're such a better lover than my husband" The vision fast forward to the future. Two little kids, a boy and a girl. Barbara was making them breakfast as Dick came in and kissed her.

"Love you Dad!" The kids said as Dick left.

"ENOUGH!" The clown flew off of Jason. All while laughing.

"You see, if it was just you dead, little Babs would have gotten that good dick, and I'm not talking about his funny name! All you gotta do is that one job and you get you're happily ever after. We demons hate that kinda thing but we can do it." Jason fell to the ground, as he felt something going through his skin. Spikes came out all over but as they grew they morphed into a whole suit. All topped with a red mask.

"What is this!?"

"Your new HellSpawn armor. You have a name and reputation to keep up, Malebolgia personally designed this one for you. The last guy he gave this to was a real asshole, I'll be back when your armor hardens, so don't play with it too much, you'll go blind. Until then why not give it a few test runs. Oh and one last thing, we need to charm the little goth girl, she might like you now that you're dead and all but we'll make you look like how you did before you took too long in the tanning booth! I have a few more things to attend to then we can play! " The clown touched Jason's head and his burnt body went back to normal. The clown walked away and disappeared in the shadows leaving Jason alone in the alley.

"Barbara, I'm sorry...What have I done!?" Jason looked at his new suit, all the things he could do with it. He lifted his hand and made spikes come out of his knuckles. Jason sat in the alleyway thinking of Barbara. He heard footsteps making their way closer to him. The smell of cigarettes filled the air. Out from the shadows emerged John Constantine.

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