9. Armageddon

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"Everyone let's move!" Spawn led everyone away from Lucifer who was slowly making his way towards them. Raven had teleported everyone to an open field away from a high populated area. Jason held Barbara tight as Spawn began to explain some things. "Listen it's not just him we're gonna be facing, we'll be facing the angels as well."

"Angels but aren't they supposed to be the good guys?!" Barbara asked as she held onto her stomach and her husband.

"Unfortunately no. There are no pearly gates or choir music when you enter Heaven. You then get put into its army and prepared to fight Hell. But they're no different than that man that's following us." The ground shook yet again as Raven put her ear to where a sound was coming from. The sound of horses and hooves on concrete.

"Um guys, I hear horses."

"Shit! It's the Four Horsemen! We need to get out of here." Constantine grabbed Raven and began to run, everyone else followed suit.

"All this running isn't going to stop them! We need to fight them otherwise they won't stop until that child is with the angels or dead."

"And how do you expect we do that huh? We don't have any more weapons! Plus I don't have a suit like you anymore!" Jason walked up to Spawn and the two locked eyes.

"You are one of those that can improvise on the spot right!? You have two spell casting people behind you, and a HellSpawn that knows these fuckers inside and out. You have something to fight for, now just don't die...Again." Spawn reached into his armor and pulled out a submachine gun, handing it to Jason.

"There they are!" Raven pointed out as the Horsemen came lurking out one by one. The first being the white horse: Pestilence. It was a woman, with white hair with a crown in it and a bow.

"I looked and behold, a white horse and she who sat on it had a bow and a crown given to her and she went out conquering and to conquer." Constantine looked and recited what was told in the bible. As Jason stood next to his friend he saw one of the two he is very familiar with.

"And another, a red horse, went out; and to he who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him." The red horse took it's position next to Pestilence and his name was War. A large man with heavy armor from the old biblical days and he held a giant greatsword. Next to him was a black horse, with another woman wearing all black, holding a pair of scales. Her name was Famine.

"I looked and behold, a black horse, and she who sat on it had a pair of scales in her hand, and I heard a voice saying 'A quart of wheat for a denarius but do not damage the oil and the wine.' Should I let you take the last one Jason?" Jason chuckled as he knew who that last Horsemen was.

"Behold the pale horse, the man sitting on it was named Death, and Hell followed with him." The pale horse took his place and he who sat on him had a scythe and was covered in a cloak. Lucifer walked behind them and marched to the middle of the field. Jason and Constantine met with the devil himself.

"Ah Johnny! I cannot believe you and I are finally on the same plane. And you the infamous Red Hood. You've given me a lot of fit soldiers for my army, especially one I've been dying to have. The clown himself." Lucifer smiled as the two men in front of him were not.

"You don't need to do this. We did what you wanted, you're King of Hell again. Malebolgia is dead, Violator is dead."

"But you didn't kill the one being that sent me to Hell in the first place. You of all people should know Jason. You almost killed your Father for getting in your way. You and I are very much alike. Cast out of our homes, had to fight a brother to get back and all we wanted was the love of our Father."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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