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Tooru Oikawa;
The alien obsessed boy with the chestnut hair I had met so long ago...

He was different now.

He was going on more dates.

Attending more parties.

Drinking more.

Failing almost every class.

He's so smart... so why in hell would he be failing?!
Oh yeah..
Because he stopped trying.

I couldn't help but wonder why, though... from an outsider's point of view, he had it all. The smarts, the looks, everything.

But I'm not an outsider. I'm the one person who cared enough to whip his ass back into shape when no one else could.

And I'll do it again. And again. And again.

I heard the creak of the door and it pulled me from my sleep. Slowly, I lifted my head from the pillow and opened my eyes only to see the silhouette of my roommate, slightly hunched over and stumbling.

"...Oikawa? What did you do this time?" A long, exhausted sigh escaped my lips and I sat up, accepting my fate of most likely staying up the rest of the night. It was one in the fricking morning, and Oikawa was just now getting back to the dorm.  Just by the way he walked in, I could tell he was drunk.

"She dumped me..." I heard him say, a choked sob following his slurred words. Of course. I saw this coming a mile away. I even warned him..

"I warned you. I told you you were getting yourself into something toxic and you didn't listen. You never listen!" With a grunt I forced myself out of bed, turning on the light and going to the other room briefly to grab a water bottle. I sat him down on his bed, having him lean against the headboard.

"Drink it. Now."

"Iwa-chaann... I messed up.. I know you told me! I know I didn't listen..." He was sobbing uncontrollably, his voice shaking and his nose running. He took the bottle of water and opened it; consuming half of it in one gulp.

"She wasn't the one. I never liked her." There was a certain bite of venom in my voice. This girl Tooru had been dating for the past few months was nothing short of toxic. Her lies were blatantly obvious. Painfully obvious. Yet, Tooru didn't care. He pretended not to notice.

"You knew it all along. I know you did. Your eyes don't lie, Oikawa. I don't know what else to say. She lied to you, she used you, she wasn't even faithful and you knew it."

It had been almost painful. Watching Oikawa dig himself deeper and deeper into the hole until we both knew he couldn't get out of it. The fact they broke up was for the better.

"I know I knew it!!! B-but I really thought I could make it work! I th-thought if I tried hard enough, she might l-love me..!" He hiccuped between almost every word.

"Calm down.." my tone softened just a tad. I couldn't help but feel sorry.. he looked so pathetic. So helpless.

"You tried. You tried as hard as you could, but I know you saw this coming.."

I stood in front of his bed, looking right into his eyes, and in that moment, I felt my heart shatter. The look in his eyes... He realized his mistake. I could tell. He looked so ashamed, so sad.. He knew what he did wrong.. hopefully, he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

But I wouldn't let my guard down. Never would I do that. Even if there was an almost definite chance Tooru wouldn't recall any of this once morning came around.

"Oikawa..." I approached him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. I know you messed up.. you know you messed up.. But that doesn't mean the world is ending.."

Frick. I guess I did let my guard down. I didn't mean to, but I did. My expression wasn't anything like my normal stoic nature. No, it was sympathetic, caring and.. soft.

Then I suddenly felt arms weakly tugging at me. Trying to pull me down. I was shocked at first, but, I eventually leaned down and gave a stiff hug.

"It's alright, Tooru.."

"My given name..?"

"Sh-shut up..."

A long time passed as we stayed in that same position. The only sound that could be heard was Oikawa's sobbing. He soaked my shirt...

After a while, I noticed the sobbing quieting down slightly. Gradually getting quieter and quieter until it eventually came to a stop.

He was literally passed out on my shoulder...

What a dumbass...

I laid him down in bed and turned off the light before returning to my own bed and laying down. I had classes all day tomorrow... It was gonna be exhausting to say the least...

Hey everyone!! This is something that's heavily inspired by the fanfic "Warmth" written by @jackasses !
I would like to say A big thanks to both my editors, Sophia and Astrid :)

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