Iwa-chan came home drunk??

Definitely not what I had expected to happen, but okay.

He's such a hypocrite! Tells me not to go out drinking and then goes and does it himself!!

Well, I guess he should get to have fun at least sometimes.... it's been so long since I've seen him anything other than irritated...

And I know it's my fault.

I make him miserable and I'm sorry for that.

But apparently sorry isn't enough...

Anyways.. Time to take care of my wonderful Iwa-chan

"Ah, Iwa-chan~ No one can stop thinking about me~ I'm irresistible~" I wrapped my arms around him to support his weight better. He seemed to be relying on me to hold him up.

My playful banter was all fake. Forced. Normally Iwa-chan would be able to tell... But not in this state.

He was so close to me... It made me feel weird. I haven't been this close to him physically in a while...

Actually, yes I have. Apparently I cried on him just the other day.

But that's beside the point.

I felt him tighten his arms around me and adjust the way he was standing. In turn, I adjusted too, holding him by the waist. It felt nice, but it also felt super weird.

Normally he would be the one holding me up.

But it was my turn to support him.

There was a long period of silence, and I certainly did not like it. It was too awkward, so I spoke up. "This feels so gay.." I joked, giggling slightly.

"Oh?" Hajime responded a bit belatedly, but it was a response nonetheless. "And what would you do if it got gayer?"

Why was he springing that question on me?! Was he gonna make the situation gayer?! I suppose if he did... I would play along. It's not like it would be that bad... it was Iwa-chan after all... whatever he does to me, I wouldn't exactly mind... I felt my face heat up and turn red

Oh god. Since when did I think of Iwa-chan like this?! Even when I was a little kid and didn't know the difference between gay and straight, I never really thought of Iwaizumi as a love interest...

Whatever he does, it'll be a one time thing.

"I wouldn't mind~" was my reply to that flustering question. I had to be smooth. To play along. I can't let my embarrassment show.

"You wouldn't? Ah.. I see..." Iwa stood up straighter and looked me in the eyes. It sent a shiver down my spine as I looked into the cold grey eyes he had. They were beautiful...

He seemed to soften a bit, blinking for a second. I could see the emotion in his expression intensify. What was that emotion he was feeling, though? It looked to be... lust.

But before I could finish anylizing him, he pushed me onto his bed and went straight for my lips.

What the hell?!! I was not expecting this!!

It was all so sudden...

But... I said I would play along, so there I was, laying on my bed with him directly on top of me as we kissed. It felt... good... I wasn't expecting it to feel so special. I kissed him back gently, using all the skills I had acquired from going out with so many girls.

"Iwa-chan~..." I found myself mumbling against his lips, breathless as he leaned in closer. "Hhmmnn..."

I lost myself fairly quickly. It wasn't like they say in fairytales, but it was better... So much better...

How did he make me feel this way? It was different than it ever was with Hanako... There was no hatred tied between our lips.. There wasn't a sense of desperation... It was pure bliss.

Iwaizumi put me under a magic spell...

...And I loved every second of it.

"...Tooru.." He whispered after pulling away. He was breathing heavily and whispering in my ear.

A shiver shot down my whole body and I groaned; the sound coming from the back of my throat. "Nnhhgg.... Hajime..."

My body felt weak and shaky. I was normally so confident, especially in kissing, but this time I was defenceless. "You're... a good kisser..." I muttered between ragged heavy breaths.

God... I'm so gay...

"You are too..." He whispered to me, even kissing the top of my ear. I turned my head to the side slightly and held him close. I said this was a one time thing but.... maybe one more time?


I couldn't.

He was drunk. I couldn't take advantage of him. I wouldn't ever forgive myself.

Sure, I'm not the most innocent guy around; but I would never take advantage of someone in a weakened state.

"Hajime... stop..." I truly didn't want him to, but he probably didn't know what he was doing.

"...why..?" He asked, still whispering in ear. My heart had just calmed down and now he had it racing again.

"Because... you don't know what you're getting yourself into..." I wanted to feel his lips again so bad... I wanted to hold him close...

How had I never noticed these feelings before?

I couldn't tell the difference between close friends and lovers.

Now here I am. Totally conflicted and questioning my sexuality.

I slowly tried pushing him off of me, but my arms were trembling. He made me so weak... I was helpless, unable to fight off all the kisses he placed on my face when I tried to get him away.

I had been lulled into submission.

But eventually, I managed to get him off.

We were on his bed, so I stood up and covered him in the blankets. "Go to bed... get some rest and we'll talk in the morning, k?"

Then, Because I simply couldn't help myself, I leaned down and pecked his lips before whispering: "I had fun~"

I then walked to my own bed and laid down, sighing and stuffing my face into my pillow.

What was I gonna do? There's no way he actually likes me.. he's just being impulsive...

Or is he?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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