My Little Princess

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** Sorry that I didn't upload yesterday. I just had many thinks to do. Hope you enjoy. Don't get confused. When { } appears it means that Penny is thinking or her true self is talking to her. You will see it when you'll read it.**

Penny's Point of view

I was here for 3 days. The guy came here twice a day. His name is Garry. He is nice to me but he is a bit creepy.

{ Did he kill those girls? Why didn't he kill me? What is his plan? }

It's 11.30 in the morning. I woke up in my "bedroom". Actually it was the same room and those dead girls were still chained to the wall. Garry just brought a king sized bed in here. I always wanted a bed like that. Just not here. The room was still covered in blood.

{ I'm not comfortable here. I just want to go home... }

"Hello darling!" Garry came into my room. He brought food. "Are you hungry?" he asked me. "Yes. I mean it's noon." I answered. I was scared of him. He didn't have eyes, but he could see normally. And his lips were stitched together.

{ Is he even human? }

"Do you like it my little princess?" he asked me when I started eating. The food looked delicious. I took a bite. It was so good. "It's delicious! What is this?" I asked him. I was happy I was eating again. "It's a chicken. I killed it 15 minutes ago." he said.

{ He scared me because of his way of talking. He killed those girls! But he saved me... }

I ate the whole plate. He brought more, but I was full. "Come on! Eat more. It's good for you!" he said. "No... I have enough. I will throw up." I said. "Eat it!" he yelled at me. I took one more piece of chicken. I was sick and I ate too much.

"Come! I have something for you!" he said to me. I walked slowly behind him. I had a felling I will throw up anytime now.

We came into a big room. It was covered in blood and it smelled really bad. "Come." he said and he grabbed my hand. His hand was sweaty and very soft. We walked to the centre of the room. There was a throne. It was made out of human organs! "Do you like it? I made it! Just for you my princess!" he said. He seemed very excited. I was scared and my body was shaking out of fear. "Go sit on it! Try it out." he said. He led me to the throne. I resisted. "Sit!" he yelled again. I slowly set down. When my butt touched the throne it made a squishy sound. I had a felling I was sitting on a dead human. It was making me sick.

I closed my eyes. I pretended that I was home. In my living room, reading a book. I was dressed in my tracksuit. The whole room smelled like my jasmine candles.

Than I opened my eyes. I was still here. I started crying and sobbing.

"What's wrong my princess? Don't you like it?" he asked me. "I... Want to go home." I answered. "This is your home now! You have everything here! Food, bed, me... You can get anything you want! Just tell me what do you wish to have." he said. He was trying to comfort me. Than he set next to me and he snuggled me.
Suddenly, from nowhere, he pulled a injection. He pushed it into my arm. I fainted.

{ He didn't hurt me. I woke up a few hours after that. I didn't think as me anymore. What is happening to me?! Am I going crazy?! Blood didn't bother me anymore, I ate more food and I think I like Garry all the sudden. What is this?! }

{ 1 week later }

Gary took good care of me for the past week. I am his little princess after all. He brought me new clothes. Now I had many dresses. My favorite was a long victorian white dress. On the bottom it was covered in blood. He even got me a mirror. I looked at myself everyday. He combed my hair everyday in front of it. He was so gentle. It didn't hurt at all.

{ I looked at the mirror. I was fat! I was eating so much food. Garry was forcing me to eat and he didn't let me throw up. I got used to it in this one week. Everyday I got fatter. I got a double chin now! No... This can't be true. Garry tells me I'm beautiful! And my dress! It was covered in blood! What is happening to me?! }

{ In the evening }

I was laying on my bed. I was dressed in my underwear. Than Garry came in the room. He snuggled me. "My beautiful little princess..." he said. Than he kissed me. I couldn't resist him anymore. I started kissing his stitched lips. I licked his lips. His stitches tasted like blood. I liked it.

{ No! What am I doing! Stop! }

"I love you my little princess." he said. "I love you too" I said back. Than he picked up a ring and he putted it on my fat finger.

"Am I fat Garry?" I asked him ( old self takes over the body ). "No... You're beautiful." he said. He putted his hand on my cheek.

Than I got dizzy. I fell on his body. I fainted.


When I woke up I looked at my ring. I tried tilting it but it wouldn't move. I was stuck on my finger. I walked to my mirror. My eyes were black. Than I started laughing.

{ No... Stop! Penny snap out of it! }

Garry brought me dinner. I ate 3 chickens and I wasn't sick at all. I enjoyed it. The chickens grease was all over my face. "Are you done?" he asked me. "Do you have more?" I asked with my full mouth. The grease was coming out of my mouth.

{ Eew! Penny stop! }

"That's all we have." he said. I was sad. I wanted more. Than I hugged him. He hugged me back. He putted his hands around my waits. Than he grabbed my but. I laughed.

{ After awhile }

"It's playtime!" Garry said. He was excited. Playtime was his favorite time of day. We went to the "play room". It was covered in blood and other human fluids. The place was filled with aroma of blood.

"Who will we kill today?" he asked me. I just smiled.

** This is it for this chapter. Sorry if it was a bit confusing. If you didn't get it : Penny got like possessed or something like that. But her old self is still in her and she is trying to convince her to be normal again.

After I finish this book I will start writing a new one. I don't know what it's going to be like, but I just wanted to let you know.

Thanks for reading. If you liked it please vote, comment and share my story with your friends.**

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