Revenant x Pathfinder

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The tin can wouldn't leave him alone. No matter the shit Revenant tried to pull, Pathfinder was always right by his side throughout the entire match. Even when he rushed a team by his self, thinking his duo partner was still looting, only to be met with the sound of a grapple as he caught up, that stupid smiling face on his screen.

He made sure that the robot got none of the loot, pushed him back so he could grab the ammo and armour for himself, but somehow when he got shot, the robot was right there, helping him back up while offering high-fives. God, he was annoying. He even went as far as to send the robot by himself, down a zipline towards two fighting teams to scan a survey beacon. Surely that should've gotten rid of him.

Yet somehow, they still won the game.

"Wow, friend!" Pathfinder exclaimed. "We work really great together!" Revenant merely pushed past him.

"Get out of my way." He trudged his way back to his dorm in the complex, not bothering to stop by and get checked over and tuned up. Stupid skinsuits always trying to 'fix' him. But, when he got to his door...

"Hi, friend!"

"What?" Revenant spat.

"I wanted to make sure that you were okay after-"

"I'm fine," he interrupted. He unlocked his room and went inside, slamming the door before Pathfinder had the chance to follow. Once inside, he sighed, the cheery voice of the robot echoing through his mind like a broken record player. God how he wanted to strangle that thing, to tear it piece by piece and scatter the parts-

"Friend?" God, now he was knocking. Revenant wished he had ears so he could cover them. "Friend?"

"What the hell do you want?" Revenant swung the door open.

"Hi!" The smiling face didn't falter.

"What. Do. You. Want?"

"Well, there are many things I want, friend! The most important is probably to know my creator, and then I would like to relax by the cool waterfall I found and-"

"With me!" Revenant's hands were now curled into fists. "What do you want with me!?"

"Oh. I just wanted to check on you friend! You did get shot a few times in the arena, and you ran off before anyone had the chance-"

"We are not friends!"

"But rather, best friends!" The robot exclaimed. This caused something to snap in the other. A second later, his hand was around the robot's throat.

"How dare you!" he roared. Pathfinder's screen displayed an exclamation point as Revenant effortlessly lifted his feet off of the ground. "You don't know anything about me!" he tossed the robot onto the ground before his instincts to impale him took over. Seeing the sad face flicker onto his chest only fueled more of Revenant's rage as he was now towering above the other. "You want to find your creator so bad?" He was going to hit him right where it hurt. "Do you not think he left you for a reason? He didn't want you! And he definitely didn't 'love' you! No one does! How could they? You're a machine. A broken one at that! You're just a malfunctioning service MRVN that never should have been created in the first place! That's why he left you!" Revenant looked down at the robot; for the first time in his life, it appeared he had nothing to say. No charming remark or upbeat attitude. Finally, he was silent.


Revenant stormed off, he needed someone to shoot. Something to punch, to break, to shatter. It was a full day before he made his way back to the complex. The feeling of anger subdued just enough that he wouldn't destroy anything or anyone else. For now.

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