More Miraltar

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Makoa wasn't sure why he was so nervous. It was just a date. One date. He'd gone on plenty of dates after things ended with Nic all those years ago, this one particular date should be no different. Only this date was with none other than Elliott Witt.

Makoa was looking into the mirror, trying to decide how to wear his hair. He was surprised when Elliott had asked him out in his bar the night before, he had thought for sure the other wasn't interested. He fumbled with the elastic he was trying to put in his hair, and the locks fell down. The clock reminded him of the approaching time and sighed. Hair down it was.

They had decided to have the date at Elliott's apartment, wanting to avoid social media freaking out if the paparazzi spotted them. Elliott had promised a fancy, home-cooked meal, and he had said he could bring dessert and a bottle of wine. Makao wasn't the best at baking. He felt much more comfortable with a barbeque in front of him, but he had managed to make a plate of brownies, which he almost forgot as he headed out the door.

The sun was just beginning to set over Solace City as Makoa made his way to Elliott's apartment. He had only been over to his place once with all of the other legends to celebrate the end of a season, but that was several seasons ago. Elliott's apartment was on the top floor of the tall building. Makoa found himself fiddling with his hair again as he took the elevator. The hallway was empty as he walked up to the door. Makoa took a deep breath, adjusted his collar one more time, and knocked.

There was no answer.

That was odd. Maybe he just didn't hear him. Makoa knocked again, slightly louder this time. Still no answer. He put his ear towards the door and heard nothing. Makoa felt his heart sink. Had he forgotten? They had made a date the night before, he couldn't have forgotten... Did he stand him up? Makoa looked down at himself, feeling disappointed, embarrassed even that he had let himself get excited for this, dressed up even. Figures. He shook his head, scolding himself for believing that Elliott would be different than the other men he had dated.

Makoa knocked one more time, just to be safe, and sighed. He hung his head as he made his way back to the elevator, guess tonight was going to be wine and brownies for one. He was just about to press the button to open the doors when they opened themselves.

Standing inside the elevator was none other than Elliott Witt. Only, Makoa could tell right away that something was wrong. His shoulders were slumped over, looking only at the floor. Makoa heard him sniffle, followed by him using his hand to wipe his nose, then wiping those on his sweatpants.

"Uh..." Makoa started. "Elliott?" His head snapped up.

"Makoa? What are you-" his eyes went wide as he remembered the date they were supposed to be having. "Is it? I- uh, didn't realize," he stammered on. "I was supposed to, and you were, and-" he put a hand on his face. "I'm sorry."

"Is everything okay, Elliott?" Makoa asked. He nodded and walked out of the elevator, pulling out the keys to his apartment.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I j-just lost track of time and..." Makoa watched as he fumbled with the keychain in his hands, which shook as he tried to find the right key. "Listen, I, uh, understand if y-you're mad and-" Elliott lost his grip on the keys, and they fell to the ground. He cursed under his breath and crouched down to pick them up. Makoa did at the same time, their fingers brushing over each other above the keys, their eyes locking.


"You should probably go." Elliott turned his head, his fingers closing in around the keys. Makoa shook his head as Elliott managed to get his door open. "I-I'm fine," he said, noticing how the other hadn't moved, though he knew Makoa could see his jaw trembling. "I'm just a jackass that forgot he had promised an amazing first date and-" Elliott cut himself off as Makoa wrapped him in a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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