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I closed my journal as soon as I heard a knock on my door. I groaned and ran a hand through my hair. I didn't like when my family or just anyone in general ruin the moments I needed to myself; like writing whatever that was on my mind on my journal so I could let shit off my chest.

"Come in." I called out, opening the drawer to my desk and placing my journal in it. My room was too small to fit a desk into it, but somehow we managed to do it.

Julian came into my room, he held a beer bottle in his hand and his hair was messy as fuck, "What you doing?" He asked, taking a chug from his beer. He was tipsy, I noticed because he barely kept his balance.

"I see your eye hasn't healed up yet." I ignored his question. Nobody knew about my journal and I'm trying to keep it that way, my journal is my safe place and I'm not letting anyone find that out.

He rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his messy hair before throwing the bottle into my trash can, the sound of glass scattering was heard, "My bad," he chuckled walking over to my barely stable bed and sitting on it, a creaking sound coming out, "Speaking of that, you had dinner at theirs last night?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah. It was fucking shit." I answered, standing up and stretching my arms out. It wasn't really shit, I'm not going to lie, I did enjoy having a conversation with Bella. She's an interesting person.

"Was that prick there?" He asked. That prick was Diego. Even though Julian didn't get the exact thing that we needed, Diego could've helped us either way, he promised us that. Although, I don't agree with this whole shit.

"Nah. He was probably out with that Marco guy." I told him. I heard him hum, As I slipped off my t-shirt. My room was fucking hot, we didn't have proper air conditioning here. We couldn't afford it, fucking hell, we could barely afford to pay rent but Mom has a thing with the landlord.

"Kai," I turned to look at him, I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I did, "I got a plan," He told me. I cocked my eyebrow at him, gesturing for him to move on, he licked his lips before sighing heavily, "Get close to Bella." I looked at him in surprise, he was the one that told me to stay away from her.

"Never thought I'd hear that from you." I laughed and shook my head, rubbing my hands, "But why would I?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him. I do know where this is going to and I'm not sure if I'm down with it or not.

"You know why," he shrugged, standing up and stumbled backwards, falling back into the bed, for fuck sake it was not even night time, never knew Julian was a day drinker, "Play her into giving you some money." He told me. I widened my eyes at him.

"Nah, you're tripping." I waved him off. I wasn't about to get close with a girl just for the money. I mean, yeah our families struggling and we hate to see our mom in such bad mental state. We all are in a bad position, hell, even though we hated seeing our mom sleep with the landlord just so we wouldn't pay rent, we couldn't do shit unless we got the money.

"If you ain't gonna do it for me Kai, then do it for mom," he told me, I clenched my jaw, I felt like punching a wall, I've had enough holes in my wall, I had anger issues, I'm not going to lie, "Do you really want mom to continuously sleep with that old fuck?" He scoffed, telling me.

I shook my head, "Fine." I told him, giving in. I hated this but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do. You're probably wondering why we wouldn't get a job, we weren't stable enough, Julian and I got school, Mom is too busy sleeping with the landlord, it's just hard to keep up.

"Good. I'm heading out now." He told me, standing up and strolling towards the door. I didn't know where Julian was heading to, but he was always out doing god knows what, I on the other side, I just stay in my room and write in my journal all day, use my phone and play a bunch of games, I barely eat, and then head off to sleep.

This was going to be hard. What if I end up actually liking Bella? I mean for fucks sake, she's pretty I ain't going to lie, and she got a nice personality even though she stalked me down here but I'm sure she was curious. I didn't know how this was going to end up but I'm hoping shit would go well.


Well isn't that interesting? Hmmm

Hope y'all enjoyed :)

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