ch. 3 Friend in need

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Steve slowly woke up, not recognizing his room and then realizing he's actually in Stark tower, moreover in Tony's bedroom and Tony was laying next to him with arm over his torso.

Then he recalls the last night. Tony asked him to stay there after Bucky's funeral.

He looked at Tony's cute sleeping face. Bucky really had taste in men because Tony was very handsome and smart, Steve taught. Tony and Bucky were really cute couple. Steve always wanted someone for him like Tony was for Bucky.

He carefully tried to remove Tony's hand so he could go prepare breakfast but then Tony tighten his hold.

"Buck - stay!" Tony said in sleep. Steve went back to hug him. He still couldn't believe his best friend was gone and he knew situation is even worse for Tony because Bucky was his entire world.

"Steve?" Tony rubbed his eyes yawning.

"Good morning." Steve said in his sleepy voice. "I wanted to make you a coffee and breakfast but you holded on me like an octopus."

"Sorry." Tony made a slight smile. "Thank you for staying. Jarvis, any news?" he asked looking for black clothes in his closet which wasn't very hard to find because that colour prevailed in his wardrobe.

"Yes, sir. Pepper and Rhodey will come in few hours. They will bring lunch." Jarvis gave information to Tony when Steve's phone started ranging.

"Excuse me, I've got..." Steve showed on his phone and Tony nodded. Steve exists room to answer the phone. When he saw it's his lawyer he prayed it would be good news, crossing fingers.

"Mrs. Cooper?" Steve asked now with hopeful voice. "Are there any news?"

"Actually I'm calling about that. Unfortunately they took the apartment. Nothing could have been done." Mrs. on the other end of the line said.

"Can we file a claim in order to return it somehow?" Steve searched for tiniest hope.

"That's our only option, but you should know that it will last for months."

After Steve hung up, someone just rang on the door.

"Jarvis, who's that?" Steve asked and went on another side of hall to open.

"It is Bruce Banner, sir."

"Hey Bruce!" Steve hugged his friend and welcomed him in.

"Steve! How you doin'?" Bruce said surprised, not expecting to see Steve in Tony's penthouse.

"Ahh life is cruel. My best friend's gone and now bank took my apartment..."

"God! What happened??" Bruce asked shocked when Steve's phone rang again.

"Sorry, I have to answer, we'll talk later. Tony should be there somewhere." Steve said and Bruce nodded in agreement.


"Hello Tones. I've picked up some groceries for you." Bruce placed bag full of everyday stuff, mostly food, in the kitchen and sat on the sofa, next to Tony.

"Thanks Brucie. You didn't have to." Tony said while watching news on TV.

"I can't believe bank took Steve's apartment. Do you know how it happened? Where will he go now? I mean he can probably stay at HQ, but..." Bruce crossed his arms worridly but was interrupted by Tony.

"Wait what?"

"You didn't know?"

"The hell no. When did it happen?" Tony said obviously worried for Steve.

"I don't know. He looked like he just found out."

"Bruce, you want something to drink?" Steve asked entering living room so Bruce and Tony immediately stopped what they were talking about.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." Bruce said now interrupted by door ring.

"Oh that must be Pepper and Rhodey. Jarvis, please let them in." Tony said and Jarvis did.

"Oh hello. I didn't expect you guys here." Pepper said hugging Steve, than Bruce and sitting next to Tony placing kiss on his cheek.

"How are you, honey bear?" Rhodey asked after putting food on the table which they bought in Tony's favorite restaurant.

"I'm okay. I'm thankful for having you guys in my life." Tony leaned on Pepper's shoulder.

"Before we go to eat, we have something to tell you." She stood up grabbing Rhodey's hand. Everyone looked at them with curiosity. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh my God! I will become an uncle!" Tony stood up from where he was sitting and hugged his best friends. It was first time he was actually smiling after finding out about Bucky's death. "I can't believe it! When is due date?"

"Well, it's only our first month."

"Congratulations, guys."

"Congratulations!" Bruce and Steve joined with nice wishes and hugs.


After Bruce, Rhodey and Pepper left, Steve was preparing to leave too.

"I'm going to help you with the dishes and then I'm going." Steve said putting dishes in the sink.

"Steve, I've heard what happened with your apartment in Brooklyn." Tony said putting hand on his shoulder. "Do you want me to go with you to pick up your things. You can stay here as much as you want."

"Please Tony, you don't have to do this."

"I insist."

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