ch. 9 Bucky

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"So, you are proposing on your anniversary?" Natasha asked.

"Yes. With him, I know that's it." Steve smiled and he felt warm around heart thinking about Tony.

"You don't think it will be too soon for him? I mean..."

"No. I know Tony loved Bucky but now he is over it. Bucky would be happy for us." Steve said and Natasha nodded in agreement.

"The ring is beautiful. I think he'll love it." Natasha and Steve gave a last look on the ring and then Steve saved it in his pocket. Suddenly, his mobile phone rang.

"Hey honey." Steve answered.

"Steve, they called me from the hospital - Bucky's alive." Tony said out of breath, his driver taking him to the hospital.

"What? Ok, meet you there." Steve said and got in the car with Nat.

"I can't believe he's alive, Nat." Tear of joy fell from his eye. "Where he has been all these years!?"


"Doctor! I'm James Stark's husband! Where is he?" Tony asked.

"His mind is messed up. He is traumatized so I need you to be careful around him. Don't tell him any shocking news, just casual. And one more thing - he is missing an arm." Doctor said with pause and Tony took a deep breath.

"Tony!!" Steve said running from an entrance followed by Natasha.

"He is traumatized Steve..." Tony said with teary eyes.

"Let's go inside." Steve said and opened the door for Tony.

"I said I'm fine." Bucky said to nurse who was feeding him and then he saw his husband on the door.

"Toony!" He was all happy.

"Heey." Tony said in a lack of words, his heart pounding like never.

"Hi Steve, Nat." he said and then turned back to Tony again. "I won't get a kiss?"

Steve and Tony, both were very happy to have their husband/best friend back but then it hits them. When Bucky asked for a kiss they shared a short look and then Tony approached.

"Of course, darling." Tony gave him a short kiss on the lips and then looked at his missing arm. "What happened?"

"I was in a coma for two years. They didn't know my identity so they announce me dead." Bucky said. He had long messy hair and he looked a bit different than before.

"I'm going to see with the doctor what kind of therapy you need and then I'm taking you home, okay?" Bucky nodded.

Tony exited hospital room followed by Natasha, while Steve stayed to talk with his best buddy.

"Nat, I need you to remove everything that links to me and Steve being together from my apartment and remove his stuff to another room. I can't deal with that right now." Tony said and she nodded.

"And please tell others to stay quiet." he added.

"Of course. Don't worry Tones."

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