\ An overdue meetup \

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[ Huh? Four people voted for my story? THATS AMAZING!! I might be overreacting but this Is my first published story! Thank you to everyone who reads this <3 p.s I know I am far from being a perfect writer, but I'm trying to improve myself. Thank you all again! ]


Tanjiro woke up, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He'd see his huge eye bags and sigh. "I can't keep living off of an hour of sleep..." Tanjiro put on his kimono and walked upstairs to get nezuko. "That's strange I woke up pretty late...usually nezuko would've woken me up earlier." He'd knock on nezuko's door. " Nezuko! Time to get to the hosted trainings." Tanjiro didn't hear a response. He'd slowly open the door and saw nezuko wasn't in her room. "..!! N-Nezuko?" Tanjiro searched her room then went back downstairs. " Nezuko! Nezuko!! " Tanjiro noticed the umbrella was gone. "...?" He'd open the back door and run out to trainings, " Nezuko! Nezuko! Nezuk-" Tanjiro made it to trainings and saw nezuko with zenitsu. "..."
Zenitsu started crying like a baby,
" TANJIROOOOOOOOOO!!" Zenitsu ran up to tanjiro and hugged his leg, " TANJIRO YOUR SO OLD AND HAVE LONG HAIR NOW, I CANT BELIEVE IT!! "
Tanjiro laughed " Your the same age as me!"
Tanjiro turned around and saw Inosuke, the both of them making eye contact. "!!" Tanjiro ran off into the forest trying to avoid Inosuke.
"Yantiro- WAIT!! " Inosuke ran into the forest searching for tanjiro.

Tanjiro was running with his eyes closed, not having a clue where he was going. He'd feel tired,sad, and out of breath. Tanjiro suddenly was grabbed by his leg, having a demon pull him from the left. " AH! " Tanjiro didn't have his blade with him, he was in a rush and didn't bring it from home. He'd punch the demons hand trying to escape,but it wrapped around him more. Inosuke heard tanjiro's scream and followed it, seeing tanjiro being held by the demon.
" TANTARO-!!" Inosuke used his blade and sliced the demons arm off, tanjiro falling onto the ground. Inosuke ran at full speed and cut the demons head clean off. Inosuke looked down and picked tanjiro up. " G-Gompacho..." Tanjiro was knocked out from exhaustion,quietly snoring. Inosuke carried him back, checking him into the butterfly hospital.

<Time skip to night, tanjiro slept through the day>

Tanjiro woke up and looked around. "..H-huh?" Tanjiro saw Inosuke's arms were wrapped around him, with inosuke's head leaned into his own shoulder. "..!!" Tanjiro's face turned red, " Is this a-actually r-real?" He'd mumble. Tanjiro turned the other way and ran his fingers through inosuke's hair.
" but why...why did you leave me in the first place..?" Tanjiro said under his breath. Tanjiro kissed inosuke's forehead and leaned himself onto inosuke's chest.

Tanjiro silently spoke;
" You confuse me Inosuke... do you actually care for me..?"

Tanjiro x Inosuke [ + Your gentle kindness + ]Where stories live. Discover now