\ Confused heart \

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Tanjiro was laying his head against Inosuke's chest.
Tanjiro felt warm and happy in Inosuke's presence,but questioned if Inosuke felt the same...

The last time Tanjiro saw Inosuke was on his own birthday, the next day he was gone.
He just left...No explanation or reason told..

Tanjiro felt a sense of slight anger..
" He left me and tries to just..Come back? Not even on his own but because the corp re-United us.."
Tanjiro was speaking under his breath, before he felt Inosuke start to move.

" I need to go before he wakes up..."
Tanjiro tried to slide his way out but Inosuke's arms wrapped tighter around him.
Tanjiro wanted to stay and lay in Inosuke's arms.. But he wasn't going to act like everything was fine after Inosuke left him..

Tanjiro managed to get himself out of Inosuke's arms and off of the blanket they laid on.
Tanjiro stood up and walked to the living area, seeing his kimono folded and sandals by the side of the dresser. He'd put his sandals on but look up through the window, noticing it was still night.

" Huh?! No way... Did I sleep through the day...?"
Tanjiro shook his head, " It doesn't matter.. Going home is all that does right now.."
Tanjiro unfolded the kimono and put it onto himself.
He'd open the door and silently walk out.

Tanjiro walked home, still feeling some pain in his left leg from the demon incident. He'd think about Inosuke the whole time he was walking..
" What was I supposed to do..? If I stayed there I would've woke up by him.. He broke my heart the first time and I won't let him do that again!"

Tanjiro arrived to his house and went in, immediately closing the door.
"Stop thinking about him..." Tanjiro mumbled.
He'd walk up to his bed and slam himself down, trying his best to sleep. Tanjiro felt something itchy in his shirt,

Tanjiro turned himself and put his hand under his shirt, pulling out a piece of fur that had came off of Inosuke's boar mask and stuck to the inside of Tanjiro's top. " I-Inosuke..." Tanjiro laid his head onto a pillow like he laid onto Inosuke's chest,
" You said you liked me.. But you abandoned me..."

Tanjiro fell asleep with his arms wrapped around his pillow, dry tears left marks on his cheeks.

{ I know it's a bit short this time, but I promise the next chapter will be longer and filled with more }

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