Chapter 1 - Jimin

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"Shit.... shit shit shit" I mumble to myself. Just great. My uncoordinated-ness strikes again. I crouch down and begin picking up the contents of my bag that had flown everywhere as I fell over running to my first class. First day of uni I might also add... (or college as they referred to it here in the states).

Why couldn't I catch a break today? First my alarm didn't go off because of a power-cut in my building, (meaning I missed out on my morning cup of tea – essential to most Brits), next I had to stand in the BIGGEST queue known to man in order to buy an overpriced cup of tea, which ended up tasting like drain water (since they can't seem to get a simple cup of tea right over here), and now this!

My Grandma always said I was the only person she knew who could fall UPSTAIRS. Well, I've got that beat now because I've somehow managed to fall on a stairs free, obstacle free, people free surface. I really should come with a warning sign.

As I continue stuffing books, pens and papers into my bag a shadow falls over me and a soft accented voice asks "hey, are you ok?" A male voice. And being kinda wary of guys in general I freeze and look up.

OK, maybe I stared too long, he's looking a bit worried now.

"Did you hurt yourself? I've never seen anyone fall like that."

He's cute. He seems friendly enough. Why can't I make my voice work dammit! He crouches down and looks me in the eye.

"I'm Jimin".

Jimin starts picking my stuff up and putting it in my bag while I continue with my internal crisis. Speak, just speak words, it'll be fine.

"I'm Rosie". 

"Hi Rosie", he smiles and hands me my bag. "You should be more careful".

"It's my first day, and... I'm late" I manage to squeak out.

"Your first day huh? What's your first class?"

"Music... room B7"

"Oh I have a few friends in music. I'll show you the way, come on".

He gestures towards a hallway and after another moment of internal panic, I hesitantly start walking beside him. I don't have much of a choice, I really don't know where I'm going.

But, I feel a little awkward. I don't know him, I don't really speak to guys. I don't really speak to anyone if I'm being honest. But I have to stop thinking that way. I didn't move to the other side of the world so I could be a loner. I've got to try and make friends.

I look over at Jimin to try and speak to him and notice him staring at me.

"w... what?" I look down at myself becoming self-conscious

"oh nothing" he says cheerfully, "I was just thinking I can't place your accent".

Phew! I'm not covered in drainage tasting tea stains!

"I'm from London... England" Why did I tack 'England' on the end?! As if he wouldn't know where London is... I'm so embarrassing sometimes.

He doesn't seem to notice my embarrassment though.

"Ah that's it. I didn't think you were American. I'm from South Korea, I've been here a couple years but I still can't always pick out the different English speaking accents. My friend Namjoon, he can do all the accents. Even Australian..."

Jimin continues to prattle away as we navigate hallways, I'm going to need a map for this place! He's quite happy to chat at me despite my silence and he seems like a nice guy. I wish I had the courage to just talk to strangers like that, without a care.

Eventually we arrive at Music room B7.

"Well, good luck, I hope you enjoy your first class at Rockland" Jimin says cheerfully.

"Thank you, and... thanks for the help". Jimin smiles like I just gave him a million dollars.

"No problem at all... hey, you should come sit with me at lunch, since it's your first day and all, I can introduce you to a few people".

At his words I can feel the panic setting in.

'A few people?' What does he mean by that? Like more than 2? Would they be guys or girls? Would they be friendly like Jimin, or..."

I shake myself out of my internal worrying. I can't keep doing this. He's waiting for my answer looking genuinely excited, but when I don't reply straight away his face starts to drop a little. I feel saying no would be like telling a puppy he's not going out for walkies!

"...well, ok... if your friends won't mind?" I say. And his face lights up again. How can a person look so happy about such a small thing?

"Of course they won't! I'll meet you back here after class".

And with that he walks away down the hall with a kind of swagger I've never seen anyone use whilst simply... walking, but Jimin somehow manages to make it look like dancing, and I smile to myself.

Did I just make a friend? My first actual friend here in the States? And a guy too?!

Something in my chest loosens a little and I turn to face the classroom door with a small smile and a bit more confidence than I had before.

Maybe I did make the right choice in moving to the US after all.

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