Chapter 17 - Pancakes

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The drive to our apartment block only takes about 10 minutes, and other than Yoongi asking if I was feeling OK a couple times, we spend most of it in our usual comfy silence.

When we parked up he insisted on walking me up to my apartment. I'm guessing he thinks I can't be trusted with 5 flights of stairs and the sad truth is he's probably right.

Thankfully I make it to my door in one piece though.

Before he can say good bye I just have to ask him something. It's been bugging me all the way home.

"Your ringtone..."

He looks a little sheepish.


"Was it always set to Open Arms?"

He doesn't answer for a second.

Then he slowly lifts one of my hands and carefully places another kiss on my knuckles before answering

"No... it wasn't. Goodnight Rosie"

He steps away and walks back down the hallway leaving me feeling more dizzy than I think I was before.


Bang bang bang

"I'm not going back to uni mum I told you. Everyone stares at me"

Bang bang bang

"You can bang on my door all you like but I'm not getting up and I'm not going!"

She doesn't understand how people look at me now. Some with pity, some with disbelief, some like I'm a complete joke.

Some don't even hide their pointing or stares. And they think I don't hear them talking.

"That's her, the one who's boyfriend beat her up".

"Did you see the pictures of her at Court?"

"I heard she didn't even leave their apartment unless he told her she could"


"No mum!"


That's... not my mum's voice.


I sit up in bed confused as fuck.


"Shit" I mumble as I scurry out of bed and into the hallway. How long has someone been knocking on my door?

I'm half asleep and without thinking take the latch off and swing my apartment door open.


Yoongi. Freshly showered wet hair, barefoot, wearing PJ bottoms and a white t-shirt, stood in my open doorway holding a bag of flour and ... is that a box of eggs?

"Yoongi, what the...?"

"Good morning Rosie"

His deep voice still shocks me sometimes.

"...errr hi? What are you doing?"

"Well, right now I'm standing in the hallway waiting for you to let me in."

I blink and step aside. I'm just too flustered and sleepy to take in this situation. I don't understand what he's doing here.

He walks into the kitchen, puts everything down on the island and opens my fridge.

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