Chapter 30 - Ice babies, butter fingers & roses

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The next day I go straight to the nearest phone shop and buy a brand new one. I guess I could just change my number, but it doesn't feel like enough for some reason.

Then I head over to a coffee shop where I arranged to meet Beth for a talk. After mine and Yoongi's little chat last night I eventually decided he was right, or at least he made me see that he was right anyway. I have to give Beth some credit and hope that she won't turn out like my friends back home.

She's already there when I walk in and she even got me a cup of tea.

"Just the weird way you like it" she pushes it over to me as I sit down.

"It's not weird, it's British".

"Same thing girl" she winks as I take a sip.

"So... to what do I owe this mysterious trip out on study day? Not that I don't like to skip college work for an hour but you got me all curious, are you OK?"

"I'm fine. Actually I'm here because I need to tell you something..."

She raises an eyebrow "Don't tell me you're having ice babies"

I almost spit out my tea.


"Cos that would be totally cool and everything but..."

"I told you" I hiss at her. "We haven't even slept together".

She starts laughing at me "Oh I'm only kidding, you know me, I can't get through a conversation without making a joke".

"Beth I'm trying to be serious here!"

"Ok Ok, I'm serious too" she straightens her face. "Hit me with it."

"I'm telling you this because, well, I consider you my best friend now" I look up at her.

"Ditto girl"

"And I just need you to listen for a few minutes ok?" She must notice a change in my expression or maybe my voice as she scoots her chair closer, puts her hand on mine and looks at me. "Go on Rosie"


Later that afternoon I'm standing in front of my full length mirror checking out what I'm wearing for our date when someone knocks on my door.

"shit, he's early!"

I rush through my apartment and swing the door open fully intending on telling him to feck off for another 20 minutes until I'm ready, but halt in my tracks. It's Jin. Again.


"I know I know... I'm not your hot date, don't worry he'll be over soon. I just came to borrow something from your fridge"

"err.... sure?"

He looks me up and down as he saunters past. "Looking good neighbour"

"Thank you Jin"

Since Yoongi has kept the details of our date a complete surprise I had no idea what to wear, but if I know Yoongi I feel like I won't need to dress up too much. So I opted for black skinnies and a slightly dressy sparkly top accompanied with an assortment of colourful bracelets Beth let me borrow. Hopefully this will do.

"I mean it" he says as he rummages through the contents of my fridge "you scrub up well, the bracelets are a nice touch".

I raise an eyebrow.

"What? Guys can be fashionistas too you know"

"Ha, I never said they couldn't, but thank you... anyway the bracelets are Beth's, I'm just borrowing them."

At the mention of Beth's name he drops a packet of meat on the floor and becomes all flustered.

"You OK?"

"Yeah sorry, what's the English expression... oily fingers?"

I hide my laughter "butter fingers Jin". But he's not really listening.

"What are you even looking for?"

"Inspiration" He stacks up a jar of pickles, a packet of ham, some shredded cheese and a bag of bell peppers and gingerly carries it over to where I'm stood.

"I'll pay it back" he says as I eye up his mountain of ingredients.

"Hey, with the amount of food I ate at yours last night, don't worry" I wave it off.

He smiles at me. "You're a good one Rosie" which makes me laugh.

"No I mean it" He looks at me seriously. Which is unusual for him. "My roommate... he's my best friend you know".

I cock my head to one side "I know that Jin".

"You don't see the changes I see. We see. Since you, he's... different. Good different."

"We've only been together a few weeks ..."

"I know but, he's not easily smitten. Not since... well it's not my place. But anyway, enjoy your date, look after my roommate".

He fixes me with a mock stern look then walks across the hall but before I can shut my door he shouts "bring me leftovers!"

"Will do".

Not easily smitten. Not since...

What the hell does that mean?

I don't have time to ponder it for long since he's already held me up. I quickly sort my hair out, chuck a bit of make up on and am just putting a little cardigan on when my door goes again.

I open it once more and am greeted with Yoongi looking like a whole ass male model in his jeans and shirt slightly open at the top. He styled his hair different, or maybe it just seems different because he's not wearing a hat for once, and he's holding a single red rose.

I break into a huge smile.

"I don't normally go for corny" he tells me as he steps inside and hands me the rose. "But when your girlfriend's name is Rosie..." he shrugs.

I gaze at my beautiful rose. "No one ever gave me a rose before" I look at it in wonder.

"And for the record" I say as I go over to the sink and pop it in a glass of water. "I love corny".

"So... can I know where we're going now?"

"One second" he holds a finger up. "Did you talk to Beth?"

I go over to him and he puts his hand around my waist. "I did. You were right."

"I usually am".

I ignore that. "She was shocked at first, and upset at everything I told her but... I feel so much better now. Like a weight has been lifted you know?"

"She wasn't mad that you kept it from her?"

"A little, but I explained how my friends treated me back home, well, the ones I had left anyway. Like I was some sort of child to be looked at and talked to differently. Beth's response... in her words of course was fuck that shit if you lived through that girl you're braver than most people I know, I aint treating you like no god damned child"

He laughs but pulls me in closer. "She's 100% right. But please don't try to do a New York Beth accent again".

Lifting my face to his he kisses me deep and slow for a few minutes before my curiosity can't take it anymore.

"Where are we going Yoongi?" I literally ask into his mouth and he pulls away laughing.

"OK, first stop... we're going to the fair".

"First stop? There's more than one stop??" I ask excitedly.

"Yep. And I know the fair is a bit cheesy for a date but..."

"Ohmygod I haven't been to a fair in years!" I jump up and down a little whilst clapping.

"... I guess you're OK with it then" he finishes and flashes his gummy smile at my excitement.

"Come on!" I grab his hand and almost drag him out the door.

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