Chapter 1

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(A/N) Hey!! Thank you so much for giving my book a chance ;) I'm sorry if there's a lot of mistakes, I'm pretty new at writing, I promise it'll get better!


This story doesn't begin with the love interest, it begins with their parents. Weird I know, but just bear with me. It all started in kindergarten in Harkins elementary circa 1987, it's the first day of school and a small girl with light brown hair is running around with the small crowd of kids she had already befriended. As she became bored and tired of playing she looked for a place to sit, she soon spotted a place under the slide and childishly whisked towards it. When she did get to it, instead of an empty space, she found a dark haired girl crying into her knees.

The dark haired girl sensed the smaller girl and sniffed a sorry, the girl ignored the sorry and very bluntly said " Why are you crying?" The dark haired girl studied her for a moment before answering " these little brats were being mean to me" the light haired girl questioned further "why?" The dark haired girl answered her " my name" before the other girl could ask the next very obvious question.

The bigger girl said " It's Ryan". The smaller girl raised her eyebrows " Isn't that a boy's name?" Ryan looked at the girl with a scoff " No anyone can have that name" the smaller girl then lowered her eyebrows and nodded " that makes sense, why would they make fun of you?" Ryan brushed under her eyes and shrugged " I dunno". The other girl then found this moment to be perfect for her introduction.

She stuck out her hand like her parents had taught her " My name is Callie Arizona Banks" Ryan hesitantly reached her hand out and shook Callies hand enthusiastically " Im Ryan Caquin Gonzales ". And it was as if that handshake was a seal of their never ending friendship.

The next 13 years of their school life they spent together ( with the excuse of a few petty week fights). They always planned to go to the same college after their horrid high school years and when they both got accepted to a Florida college they knew it was inevitable that their lives would revolve around each other..... Until Ryan met this douchebag ( aka my dad) and they fell madly in love. Not far after did my aunt Callie get whisked off her feet by a forgien aisan man who was smoking hot ( Hi uncle Akira) and then their lives also evolved over the men in their life.

Not long after did my Aunt Callie get knocked up with twins and like a warm and cheesy hallmark movie 2 months after my mom also got pregnant ( with me). 9 months after Callie gave birth to 2 little devi- I mean angels called Vex and Alana. Alana was a nice surprise to my aunt and uncle because she was supposed to be a boy. My mom was overjoyed that her kid could have a girlfriend ....( HAH) 2 months later my beautiful self was born, May 4 2002.

So for now imma go ahead and speed up to the present day. It's the first day of junior year and I am freaked out. Last year was long and difficult ( not to mention the drama) for me and my lazy ass. I'm in my bed staring at the wall pretending that my alarm clock didn't just tick to eight o'clock, the time I'm supposed to get up and get ready.

I hear my mom yell at me from downstairs " Gannet are you getting ready" I take that as a sign to actually get up and get ready "Sure I am, mom". I put on a graphic t- shirt and jeans, put on my cross earrings ( that my mother hates), comed my hair and ran downstairs.

My mom already set out my bowl and cereal and I ran over to her and gave an over- exaggerated kiss on the cheek and cheerfully said " Good Morning sweet mother" my mother looked at me and said " Why aren't you like a regular teenager, dreading to go to school" I looked at her with a pout " oh no I am upset, but my beautiful mother sprang my mood up" she gave me a warning glance and said " what do you want?"

I cursed myself for being so obvious, I wanted to take the car to school because I wanted to pick up my two best friends, Perse and David. " Ughhh you know me so well-'' mom interrupted me " Of course i know you well, you cam out of my-" now it was my turn to interrupt her " Aye I know where I came out of and I don't want to hear the gruesome details of it-"


" Anyways , I wanted to know if i could take the car to pick up david and perse to go to school"

" no"

I whined "no???" Mom went to knock on my younger sister mase's door and I followed " Why notttt" She yelled into my sisters room " Get your ass ready for school" she then shut the door and looked at me " Because you always go with Vex and Alana".

I almost slammed my head into the wall from annoyance. " I don't want to anymore" she looked at me with impataintness and said " too bad" and walked away. I knew that i couldn't say anything else and glumly texted Perse and David i couldn't pick them up.

Me- My birth giver said i couldn't give you guys a ride

Perse😘❣❣- Aww why not

Me- Because she wants me to go with the devil and my betrothed

David- I hope you come out alive

Ok, believe me Vex and Alana are also my bff's, I mean how could'nt they be? I grew up with them. But I have a really big secret no one knows.. I'm gay, but that's not the big problem here. My Aunt Callie and my Mom have been planning for me and Alana to date since we were one, and started to plan our wedding when we were eight.

When I still thought I was straight, I dated a few girls, and each time my Mom and Aunt Callie would conspire against me and my then girlfriend. So I stopped dating and my Mom and Callie would practically force me and Alana to hang out, although they deny it, and the worst part is Alana has had a crush on me since the beginning of life. I feel bad for the girl crushing on the gay guy and also because she has to deal with her trouble maker brother.

Vex is a big delinquent, has been since birth, he would bully me alot when we were kids and still makes fun of me now. He also disobeyed my aunt and got tattoos and I have to admit he's hot, insanely hot, and he knows it. Over the years girls have known it and acted on it by throwing themselves at him, and he loves it, always giving them what they want(sex). So I lowkey hate him.

Then my beautiful sister Luca practically flew out of her room and ran up to me. " Dude, can I use one of your shirts?" I give her a look "why?" she just smiles "pleasee?" I give in almost immediately. It might be weird to see siblings like this, but I love my sister more than anything. She was a rainbow baby, only two years younger than me. I'd do anything for her. "Go ahead" she gave me a fat kiss on the cheek and flew into my room.

I hear a loud beep from outside and my mom informs me Vex and Alana are here. I grab my bag and run out the door and see the car's windows in the front down and Alana's smile and Vex's smirk are on display. As I walk to the car I silently curse my mom for making me tag along.

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