Chapter 3

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 The second I walked out of my last class I felt like just lying on the floor and dying a slow but peaceful death. Today was the worst, not even because of Vex, but because school gets on my small brains nerves. I'm just happy I can go home and watch anime. As soon as I make it two steps out the door a small blur jumps on me in a hug " GANNET"

I became aware that it's Alana who's attached to me like a baby koala to its mother. I pry her out my arms gently ( so she does'nt know I'm doing it so she doesn't grope me ) and say " Oh hey Lana what's up ?"

" Nothing I just missed you today, we have no classes together"

I feel bad, because when she said that the first two thoughts in my head were: Really? And : I mean I'm not going to complain. " Aw I know but we are probably going to ride to and back to school for, like, the rest of the school year" she pouts and says " Sadly no, Today I'm riding with Rachel''

Ah she's doing the old get close to the family to get him to date her route, its sad I tell you, just plain sad. "So I'm going to have to ride with Vex all by myself? Damn" I pretend to be sad and give a pout, she beams at me and laughs " Have fuuuuun" and skips away. I just don't get how people are as happy as her.

I feel something dripping on my neck and I turn around ready to fight the bitch who is pouring the unknown substance on my neck ( which is now trickling down my neck ) and I lock eyes with Vex.

" What the fuck man" I say but he's laughing to hard to hear me. " you- your face was so funny" I just look back at him with dismay as he keeps cracking up. When he finally looks up at their tears strolling down his cheek, how dramatic, this bitch should go into acting.

" What did you come and disturb me for ?" I say in a posh accent, he stares at me with an incredulous look on his face " You mental or something?"

I pinch him in the arm " What the hell do ya' mean am I mental?" he just stares back at me with his hands intertwined and says let me explain " You came to school with me and 'Lan" I say " right" " So you who are you going home with?" My face loses its tension and I scowl at him " I know that, and Alana isn't coming with us" He looks at me and says " Then who?" " With your bitch Rachel" his face goes a little pale and his eyes go wide.

I giggle at his reaction, I'm sure he had the same thought I had " If that sentence makes ya balls shrivel up then why don't you just bre- I mean stop "Talking"" He just smiles at me and says "Reasons" and I don't need him to tell me that it's something dirty because that look on his face says a thousand words that I'd rather not hear.

I sigh and say " Alright, lemme just wait for Perse and David so i can talk to them, and then we can go" Vex just slowly smiles at me "what" he just shakes his head and smiles more " The fuck is so funny bitch" He meets his eyes with mine and says " Its funny that you think i give a shit about what YOU want" with that he just gets my stuff and his and strides to the car. Is it weird that I found that hot?

I don't say a peep as I walk over to his car,( a/n id describe it but that's not important) and as soon as i get in the car I remember. " shit, hurry the fuck up and take me home" he looks over at me with a confused face " The hell are yelling and cussing at ME for?" I just slapped my hand on his dashboard. " Bitch did I stutter? Hurry up" he studies me before finally listening to me and putting the car on drive.

As soon as we get into my driveway I don't wait for vex to come to a complete stop before I open the door to jump out. He stops me though by grabbing my arm and pulling me back I almost gave myself whiplash turning myself to look at Vex with a glare "what" I say exasperated at him.

He gives me a pout and goes "Where's my goodbye kiss?"

I'd say I'm shocked but it's Vex, and I know he'd expect me to just brush him off with my gorgeous middle finger and a smile but today I'm feeling bold, so I blew him a kiss and ran off.

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