The Truth Untold

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authors pov:

Jimin and Hoseok arrived at Taehyung's old house, but it was deserted. No answer came when Hoseok knocked, and a peek through the window revealed nothing. After waiting, they decided to break the lock and entered. The house was eerily empty.

Anxious, Hoseok called Rose Aunty, who sounded flustered. she refused to explain over the phone but promised to send an address.

"Ah, I can't explain over the phone. I'll send you the address. Please come here right away." 

a shiver ran down hoseok's spine. something about Rose Aunty's voice didn't sit right.

 "I don't know why, but something seems off, She said she'd send us the address." he muttered.

"Jimin, something's wrong, Her voice didn't sound good." he said, his voice laced with concern.

Just then, his phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Rose Aunty with the address.

"Hoseok hyung, let's not waste any time, I'm sure they're hiding something. We need to get there now." Jimin urged.

"Agreed," hoseok replied, a sense of urgency washing over me. "Let's go." determined to get answers, they raced towards the location.

the small, well-kept house stood alone amidst a dense forest. a tense silence hung heavy. Rose Aunty yanked them inside, her eyes darting nervously as she slammed the door shut.

"What's the matter, Aunty? Why are you both here?" Jimin asked, his brow furrowed in concern. Rose Aunty's eyes welled up with tears as she flung open the door, her voice trembling as she spoke. 

"Things are getting more serious, my sons," she replied, her voice tight with fear. "We're hiding... from those bad guys."

Uncle Lee stepped forward, his voice heavy with emotion. Tears welled up in his eyes as he recounted a terrifying ordeal. Men with guns had threatened them, demanding Taehyung's whereabouts.

"The day you took Taehyung," Uncle Lee began, his voice cracking, "strangers barged in after you left. They were looking for him, just like you said someone was."

Uncle Lee's voice trembled as he recounted the harrowing experience.

"They shoved a gun in my face, threatening to kill us if we didn't reveal Taehyung's whereabouts. The terror was palpable as we pleaded for mercy. Their menacing tirade was abruptly cut short by a ringing phone. they barked into it for a moment, then left with a  promise to return"

"We knew then someone had tipped them off about Taehyung being with you," Uncle Lee continued, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Fearing for his safety, we went into hiding, not wanting him to be in danger because of us."

"Don't worry, Uncle," Hoseok reassured him. "We'll protect you both. We just never considered someone might target you after we left with Taehyung."

"Why didn't you tell us about Taebear's condition?" Jimin's voice was laced with concern as he asked, 

Shamefaced, Uncle Lee explained, "I'm truly sorry, my sons. I never meant to keep things from you. There's so much you need to know about why Taehyung has panic attacks and asthma."

"Asthma? You're saying Taehyung has asthma?" Jimin and Hoseok's disbelief was evident. Jimin stammered.

"Yes, my poor Tae. Such a sweet, innocent boy. He used to love singing and playing the piano..."a flicker of sadness crossed Uncle Lee's face. 

"Taehyung can sing and play piano? Why didn't he ever mention it?" Jimin's jaw dropped. 

"Yes," she confirmed with a sigh, tears welling in her eyes. "But after that horrible incident, he barely touches the piano anymore. And when he does play or sing, it's always filled with sadness."

A heavy silence descended upon the room. The weight of the unspoken tragedy hung thick in the air. They could see the immense love Rose Aunty and Uncle Lee had for Taehyung, a love that perhaps even rivaled their own.

"It all started on December 28th, 2010, just two days before Taehyung's birthday. Mr. Kim presented him with a special gift – a chain with a unique pendant that Taehyung has worn ever since."

"I've seen it," hoseok confirmed, a sense of unease creeping in. "He never takes it off."

a grave expression etched on his face, Mr. Kim instructed Taehyung,

"this is the most precious gift I've ever given you. protect it always." i remember word so vividly" aunty rosey confirmed , her eyes welling up with tears

"it was Taehyung's birthday, a day filled with joy and celebration. but the festivities were shattered by a horrifying turn of events. menacing figures, armed with guns, stormed into the house. Their voices were laced with threats as they demanded something from Mr. Kim.

"They barked out threats, warning of dire consequences if Mr. Kim didn't comply. Mr. Kim refused their demands, unaware of the devastating consequences his defiance would bring." aunty Rosey stopped, her tears never stopping and jimin holds her shoulder.

"and that's what happened----the consequence shattered everything" she cried hiding her face jimin's chest....

a tremor ran through the room as the last words left Uncle Lee's lips. The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the sniffles of Rose Aunty wiping her tears. Jimin and Hoseok could not stop their tears-----two people from mafias cried their heart out.....a story that wreck their heart.


Relief washed over Hobi as he ensured his aunt and uncle's safety. But the moment they were alone, racing towards home, the dam broke. Jimin's choked sobs filled the car, a stark contrast to Hoseok's white-knuckled grip on the wheel, his jaw clenched in silent fury.

Sobs wracked Jimin's body, tears streaming down his face like a waterfall. He remembered Taehyung's infectious laughter, a stark contrast to the darkness they'd just uncovered. Taehyung's playful grin flashed in his mind, a beacon of light in the growing shadows.

A steely glint hardened Hoseok's eyes, his jaw clenched tight. He didn't speak, but the silent vow resonated in the car. He pulled the car over, pulling Jimin into a comforting embrace as the boy cried.

"Jiminee, let's find that bastard," Hoseok growled, his voice thick with emotion. "I'll swear on God..." His words trailed off, but the message was clear.

"But hyung, what about Jungkook?" Jimin asked, his voice shaky. "Will he be okay after finding all these out?"

Hoseok sighed, a faint smile forming on his face despite the ache in his heart. "He loves Tae... I can see... and it won't change anything. I'm sure he'd be fine."

Jimin nodded with a weak smile. They started the engine and soon arrived at their mansion.

As they entered, they saw Jungkook carrying Tae in his arms, descending the stairs. Their hearts ached at the sight of their precious Taehyung. Hobi exchanged a look with Jimin, a silent communication passing between them.

"Jiminah," Hobi mouthed, and Jimin understood. "I got it, Hyung," he replied with a sad smile, bracing himself for what was to come.


take good care your heart 💕❤️

Borahae 💜

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