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Angelinas POV...
"Alright let's move all the furniture to make a course." Bobby said as we brought all the stuff in.

I looked over and seen geneva pulling Jahseh to his room. I sighed and turned my attention back to the boys.


I grabbed my phone and seen a notification from Isaiah. I immediately smiled.

Mr. Wifi🤪: wassup I'm bored☹️😥

Me: heyyy! I'm with a ski and one of my other friends so I guess I'm not bored

Mr. wifi🤪: Damn not even an invite??🥺🥺

"Isaiah just messaged me and asked where his invite was." I laughed telling ski.

"Who's Isaiah?" Bobby asked confused.

"He's our friend and he crazy as hell!" Ski laughed. "We should tell him to come through!" Ski smiled.

"I mean we got enough nerf guns." Bobby said.

"Alright I'll tell him." I said.

Me: Ski said you can pull up🤷🏽‍♀️

Mr. wifi🤪: Is Jahseh there too?

Me: yeah but he got some girl over🤮 oh I forgot to mention ski and jah moved in!

Mr. wifi🤪: oh damn that's cool and who's the girl?

Me: her names geneva and me and ski hate her...🤭

Mr. wifi🤪: OOOO I met her and she annoying and toxic as hell! She liked to control Jahseh too!

Me: yeah I've heard but just get here already.

Before I sent that the door bell rang.

"I'll get it." I heard jahsehs voice.

I turned and seen him coming down the stairs.

"Ok." I plainly said.

"Ayyyyeeee Jahseh!" I heard Isaiah yell.

I didn't hear jah reply but instead seem him angry walk up the stairs. Before he turned the corner to his room he looked at me and shook his head.

"What's his problem?!" Isaiah said hugging me.

"You seen that too?!" I asked pointing to the place Jahseh last was.

"Yeah!" All the boys said.

I laughed and went back to moving stuff around. We finished everything and explained the rules for everyone. We were about to start playing but we got interrupted.

"Can I play too?!" I turned to see geneva at the top of the stairs.

I turned back around not paying attention to her.

"No." I heard ski said.

I shot my head up to look at him and he started laughing which caused all of us to laugh. I looked and seen she stormed off to jahsehs room.

Oh well.

We started playing and we were all running around shooting each other.

"Partner with me!" Bobby whispered as we hid from ski.

"What?! An alliance! How sneaky." I said sounding shocked.

"Oh shut up!" He laughed. "Yes or no?!" He said looking around.

"Deal but I have to find Isaiah!" I said hiding.

"Alright split up and meet her when and if you don't find him."

I nodded and we split up. It was kinda dark and hard to see around considering we only had a few lights on. I walked around and bumped into someone. I took out my phone and seen Jahseh shielding his eyes from the light.

"Damn!" He said grabbing my phone. "Quite shining it in my damn eyes!" He said giving it back.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk away but he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"What!" I said as I pulled my arm.

"Bringing Isaiah to make me jealous really?" He asked.

"FYI I didn't invite him to do that. It was ski's idea to invite him so mind your damn business and stop accusing me of stuff!" I said.

"Yeah sure." He said walking away.

"Why do you care anyways?!" I said as he walked away.

He stopped mid walk and turned around. He walked towards me.

"I care because I like you but you have this mega shield around you! You know not everyone is planning to hurt you. You judged me before you even gave me a chance to love you. You won't let me hold the side of your face or give you compliments but you let Bobby?! Seems like you just don't like me or want me which hurts but the least you can do is just TELL ME!" He shouted.

I cut him off by hugging him.

"I'm sorry!" I said hugging him.

He was hesitant and stuff but then held me too. I thought about all that he said and maybe he was right. Maybe he wouldn't hurt me... maybe he would be able to love me but he has a girlfriend so things stay how it is.

"I do like you and want you and I believe you won't hurt me. I'm sorry for acting like a jerk but you have a girlfriend now so I guess things stay how they are." I said walking away.

He called after me but I just walked up to my room. I Locked my door and sighed. 

"Goodness!" I yelled into my pillow.

I laid there and didn't even bother to move. I heard a knock at my door and got up to answer it.

"We kinda heard y'all talking so we brought you snacks and all our blankets." Ski said as the boys held up bags.

I smiled and let them in.

"I'm sorry you guys had to hear that." I said locking the door again.

"I knew you liked him tho!" Bobby laughed as he sat on the bed.

"He's just stupid and doesn't realize what he's missing!" Isaiah yelled.

"He do be stupid tho." Ski laughed.

We all laughed and sat down on the bed. We turned on Netflix and watched 13 reasons why which was ski's choice. Me and Isaiah were sitting against the wall while ski laid on the edge of the bed leaving Bobby sitting on my bean bag at the edge of the bed on the floor.

"Justin be dumb as hell... I would of jumped him!" Ski said causing us to laugh.

I sat there and thought. What if I did give dating a chance? If jahseh has a girlfriend then maybe I'll give someone else a chance.

"You ok?" Isaiah whispered to me.

I looked at him and nodded. I low key stayed looking at him. I always thought Isaiah was cute but always had my eyes on jah.

"I'm gonna go get water... you guys want one?" I asked getting up from the bed.

They all nodded yes and went back to watching the tv.

"I'll help you." Isaiah said getting up.

I smiled and walked out of the room with him following. We quietly walked down the steps and into the kitchen not wanting to wake Jahseh and his dragon up.

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