Chapter 6 Reunion 2/2

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Tables and handkerchiefs neatly curtailed the railing that separated guests from a deep dive into the sprawl. One look down could lead to vertigo. But within the perimeter, Jess and Val saw two jackets sitting across from each other, a man and a woman. The hostess stepped aside, nodding the girls toward their objective, and departed. The coupled turned, allowing Jessica took a mental photograph of her friend Shannon. She was especially vibrant this afternoon, with a perfect comb that fluttered over her right brow. As if that weren't enough, she was wearing pearl earrings and eyeliner that sculpted her deep brown eyes. Her creamy dark skin couldn't even wrinkle, it seemed.

"Jessica?" She beamed, and nearly tossed her chair as she stood up.

"What's up, Shannon?" She felt the squeeze of her friend's arms.

"Dang. I'm happy to see you, but what are you doing here?"

After fumbling out the hug, she made a pair of finger guns. "I'm here to extract you." Her attention drooped to the man still seated. Shannon's date. "Hey, Drake," she drawled.

His grin was perplexed, too laid back to move a fig of a muscle. "Hello, Misty. Hey Wildcat." Drake was tall, tan, and void of emotion most of the time. Right now, he was relaxed. You could see the edge of his lips, plus color in his brown eyes as if, maybe, he was glad to see them. And he had shaved his encumbering stubble, so that he looked his age. Still, those small creases beneath the eyes made him passively fierce.

"Hey, mister Drake," Valerie waved.

As if waiting for the reunion to unfold, Drake silently sipped his wine glass.

Jess turned back to Shannon. "You're in the middle of something."

"It's called a date, babygirl."

"Well, whatever that is, I was really hoping you'd be free later."

Shannon's lips clamped down before she eyed Jessica knowingly. "Is it another one of those Batman-related endeavors?"

"No, not like that. Not really, no."

"Then..." Shannon grit her teeth and subtly indicated Drake with a headshake. "Kinda not the best time, girl. I don't have to spell it out."

"Will you spell it out for Valerie?"

Homegirl snorted. "Que?"

Eye-rolling with a heavy sigh, Jessica reached into her jean vest and retrieved three tickets.

Shannon squinted at the stubs. "What are those?"

"Tickets for a concert tonight."

"To see who?"

Jessica turned to Valerie.

"Who?" said Valerie.

Jess's lips curled into a grin.

"No..." Valerie was bug-eyed. "No. Don't say it. Shut the fuck up—no..."


"Are you fucken kidding me?"

"Who is it!" said Shannon.

Jessica looked Shannon in the eye and whispered, "Androgynous Vision."

Valerie lit up, covering her mouth.

The dining guests shot evil eyes. When Jessica noticed them, she made the sign of the horns in response.

When the heavy breathing stopped, Shannon apologized with a queen's cadence. "Sorry, folks! Please, excuse my friend. She didn't get enough oxygen as a baby. Enjoy your lunch!" Flashing a white grin, her leering eyes came to. "How the hell you get AV tickets?" she muttered. "You know how hard those are to get?" But she leaned in, suspiciously. "Did you hack Stubmaster?"

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