Chapter 1

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I was in a meeting about how to take care of this huge building with my dad who is the one who runs the building and many other co workers. We were about 20 people under the same roof. I sat in the front row on a wooden black chair as I listened to their boring talk about bills and cleaning and similar stuff. I know that I have to focus and learn science I will take over my dad's business one day which I honestly don't want, but he wouldn't allow me to do something else with my life. He is very conservative and old fashioned. 

It is only natural for me to follow in his steps. But it's not what I want. I was bored out of my mind, I could even hear the clocks tik's and tok's. I wore a dress to the knees so I would look somewhat professional. It was black with white polka dots on it and on my head I wore a diadem with diamonds not real diamonds of course. I may have lots of money but I'm not a spoiled brat. Even though my dad has a lot of money I don't beg him to buy me expensive stuff. On my lap I had some books just in case I felt like doing homework because I just knew I would be here a very long time. I took a look at the clock and saw it was half the time left, I sighed fidgeting with my fingers. I looked around me and saw everybody looking so fancy and interested, and they were definitely captivated. I tried my best for dad's sake to look interested and look like I was listening because I didn't want to ruin his reputation here and mine as well.

 We just moved to this town, my dad couldn't bare to stay in our old apartment because it brought back memories of my mother who passed away in her sleep due to a heart seizure. I have not been able to fully recover from that and I guess neither did dad. I shook my head to go back to the topic I was thinking about before. I don't want to be stuck here in this building listening to this dude. I don't even have anything with this project to do except that I will be the next one to manage it but anyway. I was bored to hell and back and I started to open my first book when I suddenly felt something dragging me of the chair the two books fell to the ground making a loud noise and the man who was talking and pointing at some statistics on the board turned his attention to me. I felt everybody's eyes burning my neck as the color of shame coated my cheeks. I heard a chuckle that sounded like a male that woke me up from my frozen state. Wait I think I recognize that laugh. I looked around as I saw everyone looking at me not knowing what happened. I blushed like crazy.

- I love the shade of red your face makes when you blush.

A pair of red eyes appeared in front of me just a few centimeters away from my face, I jumped back a little. Marshall Lee?!

I saw the big smirk on his devil like face as I blushed more. It was him alright. He floated nonchalantly in the air like no one was here.

- You should've seen your face. He said as he glanced at me and chuckled. I got up from the floor straightening my back and softly clenching my fists at my sides.

- Stop teasing me Marshall! I said irritated as I crossed my arms. I heard people whispering in the background but I couldn't care less. He examined me looking up and down, my cheeks were literally boiling.

- Nice little tiara you got there, princess. He said as he floated above me and poked my diadem. I went even more red if that was even possible but then I heard my dad in the background asking questions but my eyes were locked on Marshall. I just couldn't believe he was here. My dads voice became a background noise, it was so distant almost non existent.

- Why are y... He started to talk before I could finish.

- Well princess, Gumwad needs your help so he asked if I could get you! I cringed when he called me princess with that large smirk that allowed his fangs to be visible. It made me feel like he owned me just like you own an objekt, well I guess that's Marshall for you. He thinks every girl is worshipping him and he is almost always toying around with everyone's feelings. But I hate to break it to him that just because he looks hot doesn't mean every girl would fall in love with him. I could hear the disgust dripping in his tone when he said Gumwad. He really hates him.

- When do we lea... He interrupted me again, I'm getting really pissed. I swear to God that if he does that again...

- Now! He simply said as he ran his hand through his raven black hair as he always does. I was a little bit shocked but then I smiled.

- Well I can't say no to a Prince nor the King of the Nightosphere, so I guess I have no choice but to come. He nodded slowly while closing his eyes while a big smirk was painted on his face. My dad was in front of me, he looked furious. His whole face was red I couldn't tell if it was of anger or embarrassment or maybe both. Well there goes" me trying not to ruin his reputation". This is how my life ends, I had a good life. I mean right?

- You young lady are not going anywhere, explain yourself this instant! He said clearly outraged as he tried to get a hold of my arm. I dragged it back in one swift motion as I grabbed Marshall's cold hand as a sign that we can leave NOW. I mumbled "I'm sorry" knowing that it won't be enough and knowing that he would feel like a piece of him vanished into thin air, but I won't be gone for long I think. I could already feel the guilt building up but I tried my best to make it go away. Marshall picked me up bridal style and flew out the window which I think was the way he got in because the door was locked. He flew pretty high up so I tightened my grip around his neck and I buried my face into his chest and I immediately felt his pride growing. I wish that I wasn't so afraid of heights or maybe it wasn't really the heights I was afraid of. I could feel the vibration of his soft chuckle and the minty manly scent he has. I looked up only to see a purple portal. We went through it and I saw the beautiful colors and hills of the Land of Aaa, it was late and the sun was on its way down filling the sky with warm colors. We landed on the soft green grass near Fionna's treehouse. 

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