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The heat slowly penetrated my skin. I look up to the sky as I stand at the balcony of my room.

"Is it okay for me to skip training? It's not like I'm going to participate in the tournament this year." I thought to myself. I heard footsteps approaching my bedroom. "Hanami! The volleyball match is going to start any time now!" my mom said opening my bedroom door.

"Eh? Did oni-chan call you just now?" I looked at my raging mother. There is one thing that my mom despises the most, not being punctual. My mom nodded.

"I got training after this though." I tried dodging my mom's attempt in making me go to the match. Out of nowhere, my mom is beside me pulling my ear. "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

"What did I say about you being a senior? No more tournament this year right?!" my mom yelled. Since my mom is so close to my ear, I heard the word loud and definitely painful. I cringed at the loudness. My mom let go of my poor ear after that.

"Gomen, oka-san. I will get ready now." I looked at my feet. The reality hit me hard, I'm in my senior year so there is no way for me to juggle between club activities and studies. Well that is what my parents thought. Since I'm the only one with the brain between me and my brother, they have high hopes in me but sometimes it can be annoying.

My mom left my room with a scowl on her face and that is all thanks to my stubbornness. I did put a good fight back then when they decided to stop me from going to any club activities so all I can do right now is just obey them.

I immediately grabbed the towel and go get a quick shower. After a few minutes thinking about the clothes I'm going to wear, I decided to wear something casual. I picked a baggy sweatshirt and leggings. I put my hair up in a bun. I looked at the mirror and cringed again. I looked like a beggar. Well it's not like I'm going to impress anyone.

I sighed and grabbed my glasses because I'm short sighted. I waved my mom goodbye and walked to the bus stop. Luckily the bus arrived at the same time as I did so I hopped in quickly. After passing several stops, I finally arrived at the Sendai City Gymnasium. Since it's a final match, it's not hard to find my way through.

The match already started when I came in. I spotted my grandfather and sit next to him. "Oji- san!" I beamed at my grandfather and hugged him tightly. It's hard to see him nowadays since he's always in and out of the hospital. "Hanami! How is my favourite grandchild doing?" my grandfather returned the hug. If Keishin heard this he's going to be pissed. I laughed like a maniac in my head. "I'm doing great but oka-san and otou-san are really pushing me to study" I said. My grandfather just nodded as because he knows how his son and daughter in law handle the situation. Ikkei never agreed with the method because his personality is literally the same as mine.

"Are they going to be alright? It looks pretty bad looking at the score." The score was 0-3. "That Shiratorizawa's buffed guy really have a powerful spike but it's only the beginning of the game. Shiratorizawa only scored one point on their own while the other two were from our team's mistake." Ikkei said with a stoic face.

"Ehhhhhhh?" I squealed. The play is quite stiff. Even though I don't pay volleyball, I still know a thing or two about it since I was introduced to it since I was a kid. Now I can see clearly the 'buffed guy' spiked the ball with his left hand. Wait?! Left hand?! He looks scary and gives off a super ace vibe.

The next point was from Tanaka with his spike. The stadium roared with cheers from Karasuno's side. I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. Just as I thought the match was going in Karasuno's favour, I was wrong. Shiratorizawa really did have an upper hand in this. The first set went to Shiratorizawa. I started to fidget in my seat. Ikkei noticed it too.

It was not long till Karasuno started to pick up their pace on Shiratorizawa. When Tsukishima got to block the 'buffed guy' spike, I cannot help but scream in happiness alongside the cheers. In the third set, Shiratorizawa took it back like it was nothing. I started to fume in anger. "Wait till i beat you guys to pulp."

I nudged my grandfather. "Ne Oji-san, how about we go sit in front with the rest of Karasuno's cheer team after this?". "Why? You got frustrated watching them?" Ikkei smirked. I nodded. After all, the volleyball spirit does run in the family blood.

We stood up and started walking towards the cheer team. There I met Yachi, Tanaka's sister and my grandfather's old student. Ikkei greeted them while I waved shyly. Ikkei said something to them that they became embarrassed."Hanami-san? It's rare to see you watch a volleyball match!" One of them called out to me. I just shrugged and smile sheepishly. "Oni-chan blackmailed me though" I said.

We continued watching the match. When it finally came to Karasuno's set point, the 'buffed guy' did a feint. That was when I snapped. "I'm definitely going to whoop that ass!" I said gritting my teeth.

Out of nowhere, there is a shout and make the whole gym stopped for a second. "I'M ROOTING FOR YOU KARASUNO!". I searched for the voice owner and saw an old man that Daichi and the others always complained about. I chuckled a little bit.

Karasuno finally took over the fourth set. The adrenaline inside me made me excited for the outcome. Suddenly, my stomach churned so bad. I think the strawberry milk I drank yesterday was spoiled.

"Oji-san! T-ttoilet!!" and with that I went outside. After searching for like a few minutes, I finally saw the toilet sign so I dashed in. I entered one of the cubicles feeling relieved.

Little did I know, I went inside the wrong toilet.

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