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"Okay so we've got you stitched up. Nothing to serious was injured, but you did lose quite a but of blood so drink lots of water and eat some sweets. I am gonna let you go home. You just need to ease up a bit okay?" The doctor said coming in with my release forms. Honestly the event the took place about 2 hours ago scared me. I've never felt that in my life.

"Uhmm well I have a show in two days, how will that work?" I ask. Harry's sitting next to me with his hand in mine.

"You should be okay to that then but just not to much jumping around and all that." He says.

"Okay." I say nodding.

"Have a good day Mr. Horan." He said smiling at me then leaving. Harry and I fill out the release forms and get ready to leave. Walking is somewhat difficult but I figured it out. They didn't want me on crutches or anything because they want me to move as much as I can I guess. Once me and Harry give them the forms were free to go and I'm literally so happy. It's time to just get out of here. 2 hours of that shit.

"Are you ready to go back to the hotel baby?" Harry says. It is now currently about 1:30am and I'm so ready to sleep.

"Fuck yeah." I say. I'm just worn out from everything but tomorrow, well today, we're traveling other out next place so I'll pretty much have all day to rest. When me and Harry get back to the hotel were immediately passed out on the bed.

*next day*

We've literally been in this bus since we woke up at 5am and it's 3pm. Let me tell you Louis is about to get fucking punched. He talks so much and I just want to sleep, like what the fuck? Me and Harry have been cuddled on one of the couches most of the time. He's been  talking to M quite a bit so I didn't really have to worry about him being lonely while I sleep. Devyn and Louis are keeping each other company but I swear Louis talks like he's giving a speech in front of 800 people, I swear.

"Baby I'm gonna go lay in the bunk, do you want you come?" Harry ask. I nod sitting up. A little pain comes from my abdomen, I've been hurting but not much. You'd think getting stabbed would hurt like a bitch considering I almost died but it isn't horrible. We get in the bunk and fit perfectly. There isn't any extra room because we're both pretty big guys but you know we make it work. We're both laying on out backs as Harry starts to speak up.

"Niall I love you more than anything you know that?" He says playing with my finger tips.

"I do. And I love you so so much. Now tell me what you did." I said chuckling.

"I didn't do anything. What makes you think I did?" He said giggling, god that giggle will be the death of me.

"We've been together for a month and we're best mates for six years pumpkin, I know you." I say which he continues to play with my fingers.

"It was really nothing. Just telling you how much I love you." He says.

"And I love you." I say.

"Do you want kids Niall?" He asks. That was random. Hit me like a truck I'll tell ya.

"Uhmm I do. Hopefully one day." I says turning slowly to look at him.

"Why do you ask?" I say.

"I don't really know. I just like to think one day we'll have kids together." He says. That hit me harder than a truck. More like a fucking train.

"Of course I want kids with you." I say dead serious.

"Do you really?" He asks with a  sort of pout coming to his lips.

"Oh course I want kids with you. You're the love of my life and I want all that romantic sappy shit with you Harry. Not anyone else. You." I say grasping one of his hands in mine and putting my other on his cheek.

"You make me so happy." He says leaning in to kiss me. He continues to kiss me then leans me back and I let out a groan. Not a good one. A pain one.

"Holy shit. I'm so sorry. I totally forgot. I'm sorry baby." He says moving slightly in panic mode.

"It's okay pumpkin. I'm fine. I promise." I say chuckling.

"Okay." He says laughing a little and laying back down.

"Niall?" He says.

"Yes my love?" I ask.

"Can I call you peaches?" He says.

"I mean yeah. But why peaches?" I ask looking at him.

"Mmm I don't know. It's cute, well also peaches are the emoji people use when someone is thick and has cake. You my sir have ass, another thing is they're juicy. You're quite juicy and tasty." He says laughing. I join because that's so random but he makes is adorable.

"Oh my god. You're so cute." I say kissing him in the cheek.

"No you." He says crossing his arms.

"Go to bed nerd." I say giggling.

"But it's only 3 in the afternoon Neil." He says.

"I don't care were gonna be traveling all day and we have interviews then a show tomorrow. So we have to wake up early. But thing is pumpkin, the fucking time zones. Now sleep." I say laughing.

"Okay okay." He says kissing me.

"I love you pumpkin." I say wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you too peaches." He says.

How did I, Niall Horan, end up with Harry Styles, the most amazing person on this planet? He's honestly so great and the love of my life. I meant when I told him I wanted kids with him. I want to get married. I want to live my happily ever after with this man.

A/n: hello my princesses, how are we? I know this chapter isn't great but it's just a slight filler and to give y'all the insight on last chapter. Now, I didn't liked last chapter because I was gonna make it something then decided nahhhh. But here soon prepare for a BIG BIG time jump. The story is gonna end not soon soon, but soon. Have a good day my loves!!

Just Friends (Narry Storan au) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now