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A/n Trigger warning: I'm sorry for this whole chapter
It sucked to write honestly. Tears are everywhere. But I am pre warning. There will be attempted rape in this chapter. I'm so so sorry. I really didn't like writing this and as you know EVERYTHING I mean EVERYTHING here is fictional.

We decided to celebrate Niall's recovery and our last show of tour by going out, yes were already super fooking tired because we had a bloody exhausting day but the girls insisted. Not that I but or anything, I kinda just want to suck Niall's dick then sleep. It's my mood quite often actually.

We arrived at the pub about an hour ago, the girls are dancing with their boys, Louis and Liam that being, obviously, but me and Niall have kinda just been chilling in our booth for a little while. I kinda want to dance, I'm tired of being bored.

"Let's dance peaches." I say holding my hand out for Niall.

"Okay." He says slipping his hand in mine. I lead us to the dance floor.

"I have to go to the bathroom, give me a second?" He says, well sorta asks.

"Yeah go ahead. I'll be here." I say giving him a quick peck on the lips. He walks away and I stand there with Liam and M on one side of me, then Louis and Dev on the other side. I kinda just linger for a little waiting for Niall to come back. He's taking a while isn't he? He's been gone about 10 minutes.

"Have any of you seen Ni?" I ask them all.

"Not since he was just here with you." M says. The all nod along.

"Sorry mate." Louis says.

I decided to check the bathrooms because that's where he said he'd be. I kinda made my way slowly so I could check everywhere around me just making sure he didn't like go get drinks and is on his way back or something. I finally approach the bathroom and I hear faint yelling? Crying? Sounds like both? As I open the door I don't see anyone from jump but I can hear the cries and the screams telling them to stop. It sounds like Niall. My brain registers what's happening super fast and within an instant I have the handicap stall door busted open only to come in view with Niall wearing only his shirt with his pants and underwear pulled down to his ankles.

There's a guy on top of him, I don't know who he is but he pushing Niall to stay still. I instantly grab the guy by his throat and throw him on the ground. I start punching his face not even caring that it hurts me. He's wiggling around trying to get out of my grasp as I continue to beat his face in. All I can think about is how he was on top of Niall and the sound of Niall's cries and screams. He doesn't deserve that. I feel myself getting pulled off of the guy while I stare at the man not moving in front of me. He's not dead. Just unconscious. I see everyone in the bathroom, everyone as in Liam, M, Louis, and Devyn. Louis is the one holding me back as I rip out of his arms going seeing Niall sobbing in the corner. M is rubbing his back, softly petting his hair.

I grab Niall and she takes it as her signal to leave. I hold him in my arms as he cries, not even caring about the blood dripping from my knuckles or the unconscious guy being dragged out of the bathroom by Louis and Liam with pure anger. He's all I care about in this moment. He's the only important thing.

"H-harry h-he h-he-" Niall started in between sobs but I cut him off.

"Shhhh Ni, it's all gonna be okay. I'm here now. It'll all be okay." I say giving his body I tight squeeze bring him closer to me so he's in my lap. Soon there's cops coming through the door.

(Niall's POV)

*10 minutes earlier*

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