Chapter 7:Attack On The Base.

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3rd Person Pov.
Wolf Gives Moon Some Gas.
Wolf:Here you go. There's about a third left. It should be enough to get you there.
Wolf Takes her broken blade.
Wolf:Just leave me your blade so i can commit Ritual Seppuku.
Ymir takes it and throws it off the house.
Wolf:But.. But Ymir...WHYY?!
Moon Holds his hand.
Ymir:Wolf... I'm the only Asian here. If anyone committing Seppuku it's me. Besides, You'd fuck it up.
Wolf:But i practiced the motions and everything!
Uni:Shut up and hop on my back, you're riding bitch Wolf!
Wolf:Not again!
Videl:Head out, we're taking Emo Demon with us too.
*???:The Demons are a race of man-eating humanoids. They first appeared 107 years prior to year and had rapidly exterminated humanity to the point of near-extinction. To Counter this the humans found land and made three big walls, Wall Maria , Wall Rose, And Wall Sheena.,
Wall Maria was the outermost Wall of the human kingdom.Wall Rose was the second outermost Wall following Wall Maria. Wall Sheena was the innermost Wall protecting the kingdom where the used to reside along with other noblemen. The Demons Stayed outside the walls. until that day humanity received a grim reminder. Tha-*. 


Released By HNU(Hi Novel Universe)
Kibo No Haikari!Light Of Hope!
Created By Hiroshima(Hiro) Yeager/広島イェーガー
Based On 進撃の巨人
Attack On Titan
Shingeki no kyojin
Levia:Skyler (Sky) Yeager.
Eren:Akio Yamamoto.
Erwina:Hope Yeager.
Wolf:Jimmy (Jim) Smith.
Moon:Lizzy(Liz) Flint.
Sky:Skyler (Sky) Yeager.
Hiroshima:Hiroshima(Hiro) Yeager
Axe:Axe Yuu.
Uni:Demarcus Eil.
Writer:Hiroshima Yeager
Co-Writer:Jimmy Smith.
Owned By:Hiroshima Yeager and Adrien Palmore
Chapter 8 , 9 and 10:Is Hiro Human?

Location:Near the base.
Demon's are eating Axe's friends.
Everyone looks at him.
Axe:Did you all get soft seeing our comrade fall? Well you can die her! i have a empire to build! ONWARDS!
Axe uses his 3DMG to swing across the city.
Everyone Follows Him.
(Play at 2:39 if it stops keep playing at that.) 

Axe:Happy Tom's demise gives us the chance to escape. May the Walls bless you, you unnaturally jovial fuck.TO GLORY!!!!!
Axe jumps off a building and ziplines through the city as everyone follows him.
Meanwhile Moon, Ymir, Uni ,Videl and Wolf makes their way through giant monsters.
Monster 1:SUP FUCKERS!
Moon swings behind him and chops it's head off with her sword.
Meanwhile Emo Demon is Having a battle with a demon.
(Wrestling bell dings.)A/n:Now the crowd is going wild out here, Jim--
The Emo Demon flips him and throws him in a tower as the emo demon super jumps to him and punches him over and over.
A/n:We haven't seen Demon-on-Demon action like this since we leaked Hulk Hogan's private hentai collection!
Jim:Just look at that beat down, wow A/n! Its like watching a home video of my sunday night family dinner!
A/n:Don't worry Jim, she may burn everything in the kitchen, but at least she can't burn the beer!
Jim:Thank the Walls for that and life!
The emo demon looks at the Armory and heads over there. 
Meanwhile Axe and the group heads to the armory.
Axe:Come on! Come On!
The group heads through a crowd of Giant Monsters.
A Monster grabs Axe's foot.
Monster 2:Gotcha Bitch!
Axe cuts the fingers off the monsters hand.
Axe:Fuck you!
Axe Heads the armory.
Axe runs across a house as Tommi lands besides him.
Tommi:Good Axe! Let's fucking do this!
They Jump off and ziplines, with the group behind Axe.
Axe Breaks through the window of the Armory and lands on the floor.
Everyone breaks through the widow and lands.
(Song ends)
Axe:Did i make it? was i the first?
Axe looks around.
Axe:Good. Good, it looks like i was. Oh tank the walls, i was so worri-
Someone coughs.
Axe looks to find a man and woman under the table.
Axe:............How............the FUCK..........Did you get here...........before me?
Man 1:Wha-what are you talking--
Axe grabs him and punches him in the face.
Tommi Runs over and grabs him by the arms and holds him back.
Axe:FUCK YOU, YMIR WAS MINE! Everyone knew i was to be the first! I was to be the one!
The girl runs holds the man.
Axe:How could you have beaten me? What's your secret, pawn?!
Woman:There is no secret! We were stationed here and got trapped inside! We've been here since the battle started!
Everyone looks at the door.
The Door and wall bursts open and the head of a monster looks at them as the man goes into a table.
Everyone starts screaming and trying to back up.
Axe(Thinking):(No, this is the end.)
Male Redneck Monster:Aww, look at him. so tiny..
Female Redneck Monster:I just wanna take'em back to the trailer park and eat him up!
Male Redneck Monster:Whos the cute lil baby? whos the cut lil-
Axe was finna jump until a giant hand punches them.
The Monsters goes flying into demons and dies.
It was the emo demon in his monster form.

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