Beach Bound

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       "Guys come on, this is a terrible idea." I had meant for my voice to come out stronger and possibly a bit threatening, but as always when I get anxious my words come out squeaky and timid.

Georgia just put her hands on her hips defiantly, still standing on top of Alex's car. "If you have an idea that could be perceived as 'terrible', you are legally obligated to complete said idea or you shall forever be banished from this club."

Alex and I looked at each other. "Georgie," I raised an eyebrow. "What are you on?"

           "Life! Life, my dear amigos!" She threw her arms out as if to catch the sunlight reflecting off the water. Standing on top of a 2007 gray Prius with the front bumper missing, Georgia looked a bit crazy, with her wild red hair looking like she hadn't brushed it in weeks, and her tanned skin freckled and dirty from running around all summer. She did look happy, tho.

Alex groaned. "Please don't dent my car."

"Chill my dude." She stuck her tongue out at Alex.

"Ok but seriously Georgia, can we just talk about this?" I flashed my puppy dog eyes at the girl on top of the car. "Please?"

"Oh god please don't look at me like that." Georgia whined.

Alex made a strained noise and stretched his arms up, cracking his neck. "This was so not worth the 25 bucks I just spent on gas."

           "Guys come on, this may be the last summer we have together. Don't you wanna have some fun before we all get separated?" Georgie said.

This wasn't entirely true, although we were all going our separate ways. Georgia was flying to Thailand for this wildlife conservation thing, and Alex was moving back to New York with his parents. I would be staying here in Shell Beach, preparing for my third year in college. I know we'll see each other again, it just may be a while.

"Of course we do Georgie, but we also wanna be safe." Alex crossed his arms. "And anyway I have to be back home in two hours."

"Oh pish, you'll live. Come on! The Wallows are like never touring, and this is like the one chance we'll get at seeing them here! Santa Barbra is just like an hour away, and my second cousin Benny offered to let us stay at his beach house."

        "That does sound pretty tempting, actually." I mumbled.

         Georgie blew a kiss at me.

"You two are gonna be the death of me." Alex groaned, and smiled.

Georgie jumped off the hood of his car and gave him a big hug. "Well at least it'll be a memorable death. Ok y'all let's go! Did you both bring an overnight bag like I said in my text?"

I nodded, so did Alex.

"Then let's get the fuck outta here! Shotgun!" She scrambled through the open window and strapped herself into the front passenger seat.

Alex and I gave each other a look, and bust out laughing.

Soon we were driving down the freeway towards Santa Barbra.

I looked out the window at the passing scenery. The moon was up now, and shining brightly over the Pacific Ocean. The windows were down, and the cool California breeze whipped my hair around. Since Georgie had called shotgun I grabbed the aux cord, and I chose my favorite playlist mainly consisting of Post Malone and Rex Orange County, with some Girl in Red. "Feeling Whitney" was on now, and I turned the volume up so we could take in the sad melody of Posty's voice.

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