Chapter 12:

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Once again, blood warning and sensitive topics for those who have experienced any sort of trauma or grief. TRIGGER WARNING! BLOOD WARNING! Enjoy !



 The stare down between the hooded man and Kai was intense. Kovit fell to the ground and I rushed over to check on him. He was bleeding badly and I didn't have anything to stop the bleeding other than his cloak. I needed Luka's powers, but I obviously couldn't do that. I flicked a shock of my magic at Kai's back to tell him to hurry up. Kai snapped out of his trance and then backed up a bit while having the hooded man in a soul and body restraint, palm facing towards the man. All Kai needed to do, was close his fist and all of his powers would crush the man's soul into dust.

"Kai... you wouldn't close that hand of yours now would you?" The hooded man said to Kai. Kai had eyes of rage and hatred towards this man.

"You don't get to talk!" Kai yelled to this man. "You left me... you left me, mom and Caroline to die!" Kai seemed more on edge than I had ever seen him. His black hair flowed in his face and he blew it out of the way. I held out my hand and focused my magic to my hand in case Kai needed it. I called his name so that he knew that I was going to back him up. Ronan and Leah both did the same.

"I see you found some friends... or did you pay them?" The hooded man laughed. Kai threatened his hand by flinching it at him. "You dare do that to your own father?" The man said.

"I will never call you my father." Kai responded with hate in his voice. Kovit grabbed my hand and looked at me.He pulled me to his mouth and he whispered in my ear.

"Kill him." Kovit said in a weak voice. I looked at him in shock. "It's okay to kill him. Trust me. You won't regret it." Kovit responded. Kovit showed me his side. It was gushing blood and I told him to hold the cloak to it as hard as he could. I looked in his eyes and then kissed him. He was really hurt. It made me furious. Kai was hurt and exhausted. Kovit put his hand on my side and I winced in pain. He knew that I had gotten hurt. I looked at him in worry.

"Don't worry about me. Worry about falling asleep. You need to stay awake for me okay? Don't go to sleep." I said sadly to him. Kovit nodded and then watched me as I walked up to Kai and then put my hand on his shoulder to let him know that I was going to help him whether he liked it or not. Kai refused to look up from the man's eyes. "I'm right behind you... so are the others." I whispered to Kai. "Just give us the signal."

"No... no I want to make his death slow... and very painful. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of power. That's why I need Luka... but he is currently unavailable so I am resorting to your powers." Kai said. My eyes widened. Kai put his father in a tight restraint which caused his father to mess with Kai's mind a bit. It was a bit triggering to hear some of the things that he was telling him.

"Listen Kai... I loved your mother more than my own life! I love you and I loved your sister! You know that. I provided you with everything that you needed to succeed. You can't kill me now! You need me!" His father yelled. Kai had an emotionless expression on his face. Finally he smirked.

"So that's your excuse, huh?" Kai put his hand down and then started laughing hysterically. Kai then looked back into his father's eyes with a glow of rage flowing through his body. "You're the one that left us every single day so that you could go and have your fun with a woman that was not my mother! You came home drunk as a sailor with no will to live and beat the life out of my mother and sister and I! Caroline and I had to steal to get food for our family because you couldn't keep your job in the palace! We lived in a barn because you couldn't keep a job! You have NO RIGHT to say that you loved us! You killed the only family I had! Now you work for that wicked King of Leven." Kai practically screamed. His story seemed all too familiar to mine. He worked for my father... he's connected to him. That means my father is not too much further behind him and knows exactly where I am. "You don't deserve to live." Kai finally said before looking at me. Anger was flooding through my veins and my eyes glowed red and my veins glowed with a fiery color. The white part of my eyes turned black and my teeth grew sharp. My skin turned a pale grey and I knew that I couldn't hold back the darkness much longer. I looked over at Luka and then at Koda and that's when it happened.

"Kai, tell me when. I can't hold back my powers much longer." I said. Kai looked over at me and saw that my form was taking over. He looked back over at his father and then smirked before stepping back.

"Please don't..." His father pleaded. Kai just ended up grinning before he looked over at me and stared me dead in the eyes.

"Kill him." Kai said in the most sadistic tone of voice I had heard come from him.

"My pleasure." My double toned voice returned and my hair had red strips all throughout it and my nails turned black. My wings appeared and a cloud of darkness clouded over me and his father. I won't say all that actually happened in the cloud, but I will say that I didn't regret a thing. Moments later, I walked out of the cloud, covered in blood and tears, but they weren't my own.

Kai didn't look frightened at all. I guess he had seen this before from his father. I had a sadistic smile plastered on my face. My mind was cloudy and I couldn't think straight. All my anger and frustration from the words and flashbacks that flooded my mind were enough to drive anyone crazy. Kai put his hand on my shoulder and said something in a different language that snapped me out of my daze. He slowly brought me over to Luka and with little strength he had, Luka put his forehead to mine and said the spell that calms me down, and all of my stress melted away once again. I calmed myself down and my body went back to its original form.

"Are you okay Riverlyn?" Kai asked me. I looked at him and then started crying. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you." Was all that Kai said before bringing me back over to Kovit who was laying on the ground with the cloak still around his waist. I ran over to him and I noticed that his face was getting pale. "We need to get him back and fast. The border is a few minutes away. If we hurry, we can make it there quicker." Kai said. I nodded and Ronan and Kai flipped the only surviving wagon we had back on it's wheels. We hurried and put the rest of our clothes in the back and then Ronan helped Kai put Kovit into the back of the wagon. Leah sat in the back with me and Kai, with Luka leaning against her to keep himself steady. Kovit laid in my lap with very weak eyes. I stroked the hair out of his eyes and I could feel his temperature lowering. Tears fell from my eyes as I thought of the worst outcome.

"R... River..." I heard Kovit stutter. I looked at him and held his hand.

"We're almost there. Just keep holding on for me." I told him, trying to hold back sobs. Kovit lightly squeezed my hand and smirked lightly.

"River... i'm scared..." He told me. That sentence broke my heart. I leaned down and kissed his nose and prayed that God would just help him hang on just a little longer.

"You'll be okay Kovit..." I said, not being able to hold back the tears anymore. Kovit reached his hand up to my face and put his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears.

"Sweetheart, don't cry." He said. I looked up and then over at Kai.

"Kai we need to hurry up!" I almost yelled.

"Two minutes. Can he hang on until then?" Kai asked. I looked down at Kovit to ask him and he nodded weakly. I was covered in blood. My own, Kai's father's and my soulmate's.

Finally, we made it to the castle where we were met by a group of soldiers that all had the same crest.

"Go get the nurses. The prince is hurt badly, he can't hold on much longer!" Kai yelled at the guards. They scattered into the castle and then a few moments later, we were met by a group of medics and doctors that helped Kai and Ronan put Kovit and Luka on two different stretchers. Leah put her arm around me as I cried. I hugged her and sobbed in fear. Kai finally felt at ease now that his friends were in safe hands. Kai came over and hugged me and so did Ronan.

"It will be okay." Kai told me. I cried as Ronan and Leah tried to comfort me.

"We should go in the castle and check to see how things are." Leah suggested. Kai nodded and Ronan and I followed the two of them. Once we got into the castle, I didn't really take time to soak up its beauty since my mind was mainly focused on Kovit and Luka. We were led by a guard to a room next to the infirmary that we could wait in. I was exhausted but refused to sleep. My eyes were so droopy and yearning for slumber, but my brain refused to succumb to the void. Kai and Leah kept telling me that it was okay for me to sleep, but I rejected it every time. Around an hour later, the nurse came in to tell us the news.... 

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