Chapter 14:

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A few months later, I was in the library reading easy books to learn more about the Devlios kind. I was getting much better at reading since Kai said that he was willing to teach me. I would read every night to Kovit, still waiting for him to wake up from nis sleep. His wounds had healed, but when he would wake up, his muscles would need to be rebuilt. I had found a new book and I practiced reading it every day. It was about an odd yet beautiful girl who was imprisoned by a beast and then she breaks the curse and the beast turns into a handsome prince. It sort of reminded me of how my life had been so far.

One day, around noon, I was in the library with Leah who was knitting a blanket since the weather was getting colder. I missed Kovit. Everything I did, I wished that he could be there to see. Leah saw me attempting to read and put her needles down. She saw the look on my face and saw that I was getting anxious again. She put her hand on my shoulder.

"It will be okay Riverlyn. We're here for you." She said. I knew that they were there for me. I knew Luka would always have my back. I knew that I wasn't alone, but... I felt lonely. Leah and I decided to take a walk through the garden. I felt like something was watching us. I didn't pay much attention to it, however something just didn't sit right with me. I went to the fountain and then sat down with Leah. I braided her hair and put flowers in it. We had a good time laughing and telling each other our struggles and stresses. It was almost like I had a sister. We joked and teased each other. It was fun not having to worry about someone capturing you for using your powers. We played with the water and I made it glow different colors while Leah made little creatures out of water that danced around us. It was all fun and games until we saw an arrow go right through a water animal that Leah had made. We looked at each other and I knew immediately who the arrow came from.

"Go get Kai, Ronan and Luka. Tell Luka that my father found us and made it through the border." I said. I looked at the guard that was protecting us and told him to send troops to the border and to the main garden. He nodded and then ran to tell the army. I stood in the garden alone except for two guards that were watching me. The sun was going down and the colors of the blood red moon and the orange and red sky made it seem more eerie than it would have been under different circumstances. I knew what I had to do.

"Show yourself!" I yelled.


I waited and then heard something from the bushes. I used my powers to create a purple, transparent shield and held it out in front of me. Luka ran out to me and startled me so I had already used my shield on him by accident. He was on the ground laughing because of how much he scared me.

"It's not funny, Luka!" I yelled at him. He kept laughing.

"You're right... it was hilarious." He said. I rolled my eyes and then Luka's gaze became dark and he had an evil smirk on his face. " Now where's the man who hurt my family?" He asked. We heard a noise behind us that sounded like metal being scraped inside a glass bowl. I cringed and so did Luka. We turned around and saw our father standing high and proud with a sinister look upon his face. We both stood back with Northern guards around us. Luka stood in front of me with his arm out so that I would be pushed behind him. I had my magic ready for anything and so did Luka. He had his shield of magic ready to go.

"So... you're here now, are you? You finally found each other after all of these years." I was scared to death of my father. I guess Luka was too, even though he had been gone for so long and missed the torture sessions that I had multiple days, every week for seven years. I refused to let him get away with it this time.

"Don't mess with people you aren't ready for..." Luka said. Our father laughed out loud with his deep and hate-filled chuckle. Fear and Hate welled up inside of me, but even more so Luka. I saw Luka's veins starting to glow blue. Kai suddenly ran out and joined us. When he saw what was going on, he became very concerned.

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