Chapter 13:

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When I heard the door to the infirmary open, I shot up and looked at her. She had long brown, wavy hair that was neatly put into a bun. She had a mask and an apron stained in blood and her skin was beautiful including for a scar above her left eye. She bowed her head to me and then nodded to the rest of the group.

"Luka is doing fine. He has a concussion and will most likely have migraines or severe headaches for a long term. Otherwise, he seems to just have some minor stab wounds and a few scratches and bruises." The nurse said. That made me feel 50% better than I was before. I couldn't lose the only family I had left. I just couldn't. Luka was my other half and we needed each other to survive now that we were reunited.

"And Kovit?..." I asked. Everyone was silent. The nurse looked at me and then put her hand on my shoulder.

"He barely made it out alive. We almost lost him three times. He is asleep right now. We aren't sure when he will wake up. You may go see him. Although, I will warn you, the color of his skin has not yet returned to its normal color yet. It will take a few hours for it to return. I looked over at the others and Kai looked at me and nodded. I followed the nurse to the room where patients were held. She led me to the room where Luka was and I sighed when I saw that he was sitting up and eating soup with blankets over the windows so that the light wouldn't hurt his eyes. I went over to him and sat next to him.

"Hey sis." Luka said. He seemed like the entire fight had left his memory. "Why are you crying? Why is there blood all over you?" He asked. I just put my hand on his arm and shook my head. Luka's voice was weak, and his eyes were droopy, but he seemed like he was just really medicated.

"You don't remember the fight?" I asked.

"The nurses keep talking about one, but I don't know what they are talking about. I don't really know where I am right now either."

"We're at Kovit's castle. That's all you need to know right now. Just focus on getting better okay?" I told him. Luka saw the heartbreak in my eyes.

"Where is Kovit?" He asked. My eyes watered again and Luka took my hand. "What happened?" Luka asked again. Tears fell down my face.

"He's asleep... nobody knows when he will wake up. He got really hurt and I didn't think he would make it." I told Luka. His head lowered and then he looked up at me.

"Have you seen him yet? You look exhausted." I shook my head.

"I'm headed there once I know that you're okay." I told him. Luka looked at me and then recited all of the people in our group's names, our mother's name and where we are from and why we came here. I smiled knowing that the only thing he forgot was the fight.

"Now go see him. He may seem like he is sleeping, but he can hear you. Talk to him. Let him know that everyone is okay and that he is home." Luka said. He kissed my forehead before sending me off. A nurse led me through a door that led to a bigger room, but with only four beds in it. One of the beds was in front of a window and the light shone upon the face of my beloved. I cried a bit when I saw him asleep peacefully. I slowly made it to his side and then sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at his peaceful and yet beat up and bruised face. He was trying to protect me and Luka and now I know that he was trying to protect Kai. I held his limp hand and felt the warmth that was slowly returning to his body. There was no doubt in my brain that this man loved me more than his own life. I realized what love was the moment he treated me like a person. I grew to love this man, even his rude and stubborn personality, I loved him. I couldn't escape the feeling. I brushed the hair out of his face and then kissed his forehead. I laid down next to him and put my head on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat and then sang little songs to him until I finally felt at peace and fell asleep.

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