When Heart And Mind Shatter (ch 1)

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Keith shivered in his room, tears rolling down the sides of his face. He leaned against the wall, knees touching his chest, and just listened to the goings-on outside, as he caressed the bloody and fresh scar that Allura had given him upon discovery of his new form.

"HE DOES NOT BELONG IN VOLTRON! HE IS EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE FIGHTING AGAINST!" He could hear Allura yell. Keith tried covering his ears, but his hearing was heightened.

"Allura, this is Keith we're talking about!" Lance had yelled in his defense.


"Yes, I know he's a monster. He almost killed Hunk back there. But, we need to be rational and think about what's best for the team." Shiro said.

"What about what's best for Keith? I can try to help him, he's suffering! Aren't you his brother Shiro?!" Lance retaliated.

"But...we can't ignore what he did. He could be a vulnerability to Voltron..." Pidge admitted. She didn't like the words coming out of her mouth, but it was her truth.

"I don't like this...he's probably scared!" Hunk chimed in.

"You should be most furious!" Allura yelled.

"I know Keith. He was scared and alone. I don't regret approaching him!" Hunk exclaimed.

After a bit, they had come to an agreement that Keith couldn't exactly hear. He was scared. Uncontrollably shivering. His heart couldn't take it. He looked down at his purple skin and started clawing at it. He hated it. It caused him to hurt Hunk. It caused him so much pain.

Shiro entered the room. He was calm and stoic. He got on his knees. Keith began to hyperventilate, afraid to face him. He heard Shiro. Shiro thought he was a monster. Keith tried to move away from him, but he was far as he could move. Shiro grabbed his arm, and softly wiped away some blood that stained his purple fur. He grimaced, aware that Keith did it to himself. Watching Keith so vulnerable and terrified hurt him. But, he had to put emotions aside and do what the majority thought was best.

Shiro grabbed his arm. "We're taking you to an isolated planet until we find out what's going on with you. You're dangerous here." Shiro said. Keith shook his head and backed up, hitting his head against the wall. He shakily grabbed his head and looked down.

"Shiro, I didn't mean to hurt him...I swear! I can control it I swear! Please don't leave me alone!" Keith pleaded. Shiro looked away, holding back his tears, and continued to pull Keith up to his shaky legs. He dragged Keith outside the room, where the paladins were listening in. Keith was being dragged on his knees, begging Shiro to let him go, tears running down his face. Seeing Keith so desperate and sorrowful made the other paladins breakdown. They looked away from Keith, who was looking at them for support.

"Lance? Hunk? You won't let him do this to me would you? Please? Tell him to let me go, please! I don't want to be alone again! Please!" Keith yelled. Lance was digging his nails so far into his palm that they began bleeding. He wanted to run to Keith and hug him and tell him everything would be okay, but this is what they said was the best option. He wanted to believe that. "Hunk? Hunk? I'm so sorry I hurt you! I didn't mean it! Please forgive me!"

Hunk was crying silently. "I know you didn't buddy...I'm so sorry...!" Hunk exclaimed through his sobs. Hearing that actually made Keith calm down a bit.

Shiro forcefully threw Keith in Black and got in the controls. Keith was absolutely terrified. His mind was going so many places. Where was Shiro taking him? Why was this happening?

Keith remembered how important Shiro was to him. He was a brother. He wouldn't just abandon him on an isolated planet. Shiro saved him. "I will never abandon you," Shiro's words rang in his head.

Keith had his face buried in his knees and tried to stop himself from hyperventilating, but couldn't. He had never been so scared in his whole life. Even when his dad died. At least he had Shiro's arms to cry into. Soon, he'd have no one

After a while, Black landed on a planet that was allegedly void of life. Shiro opened the door, but stayed in his seat. He glanced at the cowering Keith, but couldn't directly look at him.

"Keith, my arm was taken by them. A year of my life was taken by them. I was tortured by them. They've destroyed worlds and enslaved planets. I hope you understand. I still love you. We still love you. But, Allura found out she can pilot blue and Lance can pilot red. We don't need you right now. So, stay here and calm yourself down, so you don't hurt anyone else." Shiro coldly said.

His words pierced Keith's heart. He went silent. He stopped shaking, and his breathing was shallow. He just stared blankly at the ground. Shiro had no idea what he was thinking. Keith thought, "if I wasn't needed, then what am I supposed to do? Everyone hated me. They couldn't look at me. I was a monster. Why should a monster like me live?"

Shiro escorted Keith off of Black and onto the scarce patch of grass below. It was a rocky planet with scattered patches of flowers and grass. Not too far in the distance was a mountain. Keith, still in shock, having his entire will to live and heart completely shattered, fell to his knees, which hurt a bit. Not that he cared.

Shiro put down a bag beside him. "This has some food, water, and that stuffed hippo you love so much. We'll be back to check on you, periodically, until we think you're better." He said. Keith didn't reply.

"I'll let Lance come by soon, I'm sure he's eager to see you. I know you to aren't that close, but he's worried." Shiro said.

Keith suddenly grabbed Shiro's pant leg and started climbing. He was really shaking. He was both cold and terrified of being left alone. His voice was hoarse from crying. He didn't look up at Shiro, only tried to make one last plea. "Sh-Sh-iro...I don't...w-want to b-be...a-lone...pl-pl-please..." He said in a tired voice.

Shiro had began to cry, as memories of a younger Keith forced their way into his head. But, Shiro knew that he couldn't favor Keith. He had to do what was best for the team and the universe. Having a Galra on Voltron could jeopardize everything they had been working towards. So, with tears running down his face, Shiro painfully removed Keith's clutch on him and kicked him from behind, knocking him down. The back of Keith's head hit a rock. Shiro then ran for the black lion, without looking back.

"If I'm not needed...if I'm really one of those monsters...this is a fitting end. Killed by my own family..." Keith thought, as blood began to seep from his head, staining the rocky ground below.

He closed his eyes.

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