Punches Have Been Thrown (ch 5)

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"WE HAVE A DATE!" Lance exclaimed, bursting into the room that all of the paladins were in.

"Well it's good that Keith hasn't lost his gayness after all that's happened. Coming out of the closet, are we Lance?" Pidge asked.

Lance stopped and looked at her with a confused expression. "...uh, I meant that Keith invited us to go out and hit a bar together...wait, KEITH'S GAY???" Lance asked.

"You didn't know?" Hunk asked.

"Was Keith actually hiding it?" Asked Allura.

"He had a boyfriend at the Garrisson, how did you not know?" Shiro asked.

Lance felt very dumb. Suddenly he looked back at moments with Keith, where Keith was flirting with him, but it went straight over his head. He just froze there for a moment.

"Uh, Lance? Lance? You were saying?" Pidge asked, snapping him out of it. He shook his head.

"Uh, Y-Yeah, right! I talked to Keith about things. After a bit, he said he wanted to go out with us. Just us from the Garrisson. He wants us to meet him downstairs at 8." Lance said.

"So, Hunk and I can come?" Pidge asked, hopeful.

"Yeah. Though, you two are banned. Apparently, he has PTSD and you two trigger it. No surprise there. Speaking of that..." Lance suddenly cracked his knuckles, and then lunged towards Shiro who was sitting in a loveseat. He stopped and punched Shiro right in the nose with all his force, knocking him backwards in the chair. Everyone looked on at the two in shock. Shiro sat up, holding his bloody nose.

"Pidge, punch allura." Lance suddenly said.

"What??" Pidge asked.

"I promised Keith that if he couldn't punch Shiro I would. I didn't say anything about allura, but I think it's only fair. I can't hit a girl, so go on. Punch her. Think of everything she did to Keith. I mean, it's kind of her fault we're here. If she didn't try to kill Keith 5 months ago, then he might've not have left." Lance argued.

"And I apologized--" before allura could finish, she is suddenly knocked off the bed she was sitting on by Pidge, who had punched her with all her strength. She face planted onto the floor.

"Lance is right. Our so called leaders did this to Keith. I don't care if you're a princess, you hurt our friend and deserve to be punished for it. Right now, we're calling the shots." Pidge said, before storming out of the room with a grin on her face.

Lance looked at Hunk, who was awfully quiet. "I bet I know what you're thinking, but you have to pick a side, buddy." Lance said.

Hunk frowned and looked at Shiro and Allura, who were still on the floor. "I want to see Keith." Hunk said, before walking out.

"So there you have it. You've lost our trust. If you want us back, Keith has to forgive you, too." Lance said. He then followed Hunk out the door, leaving the blue and black paladin alone with their thoughts as they wallowed in self pity.

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