TEQUILA (ch 6)

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The three paladins stayed downstairs, chatting and eating the food from the kitchen. Hunk was saying how he wanted to know how they seasoned the delicious mystery meat. Well, it wasn't exactly a mystery, he just couldn't remember the name of the animal he was eating.

Keith and Lucius started to head down the stairs. Hunk was the first to notice. He stopped mid sentence and met Keith's eyes. Keith slightly smiled. He went ahead of Lucius and ran up to them. Just as he did, Hunk wrapped his arms around Keith's body. The first thing he noticed was how thin Keith had become. Keith missed Hunk's warm hugs. It was really reassuring. Hunk hugged him tighter.

"We really missed you, man." Hunk said, holding back his tears. Pidge decided to get in on the action and hugged Keith from behind. "The castle wasn't the same without you. I'm so glad you're alive!" She exclaimed. Even though he had talked with Keith hours prior, Lance also went in on the hug. Lucius was slightly jealous, seeing as he was Keith's only friends up until yesterday, but he was happy that Keith really wasn't as alone as he thought.

"I'm glad you guys came. It's been a while since it's only been the 4 of us." Keith said, smiling.

"When was the last time you slept?" Pidge asked. Keith really did look tired, especially in the light of the castle.

"I slept 5 months ago. Now I take hour long naps in my free time." Keith explained.

"I try to get him to sleep, but he would much rather train than...well, do anything else." Lucius joked, walking up to them. Everyone looked at him.

"Tell me about his eating habits." Hunk said.

"He's not my--"

"Usually skips breakfast. He would skip lunch and dinner too if I didn't drag him." Lucius said, interrupting Keith.

"Good man." Hunk said.

"You should come too." Suggested Pidge.

"Huh? I thought you guys were supposed to catch up? I'd just be a 4th wheel..." Lucius said, putting his hands up.

"You're Keith's friend, and know him probably as well as we do. That's not a problem. Right, Lance?" Hunk asked.

Lance did like Lucius, but he was also slightly jealous of their relationship. Even so, he had to do what was best for Keith. He remembered that Keith said Lucius helped him with panic attacks and other symptoms of his head injury.

"Yeah, why not?" Lance said.

Lucius had planned on following them. Can you blame him? I mean, as far as he knew, they abandoned him and left him for dead. He was protective of Keith. They were best buds. And it was nice for Lucius to have something he needed to protect. Even though the 3 paladins looked nice and friendly, Lucius couldn't just let Keith go off on his own with them.

The 3 began to head out. The all silently agreed to keep anything that happened while Keith was gone off limits, as well as what actually happened. They just wanted to have fun. And the paladins realized that Keith actually wasn't that different, it was just that Keith was nervous and under a lot of stress before. Lance made it easier for all of them, there was just an uncaring air about him.

"There waaaaas that one time I walked in on Keith in the bathroom. I'm sorry, that's my favorite memory, 'cause I'd never seen you so flustered!" Lance said, followed by a fit of laughter. "But, god I was not disappointed!"

Keith blushed, vaguely recall the incident. "I believe I threw 2 soap bars and tried to strangle you with a towel..." Keith admitted.

"When I saw you naked, you weren't that angry..." Pidge said, smirking.

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