Book 2 Chapter 26 : Knight's Council

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Clock's POV
I walked to my room and grabbed my huge bag of Doritos. "Time to play video games." I said to myself cheerfully. I walked past Manipulation's room when I heard a huge smashing noise. 'What the f***' I thought. I opened his door quickly and saw that Manipulation was covered in blood and had smashed into his own table. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously. Manipulation got up slowly dusting the wood off his clothes. "teleportation miscalculation." He muttered. "Where'd all the blood come from?" I asked. "Nothing." He said sternly. "Oh. Fine don't tell me." I mumbled. When Manipulation stood up the room turned pitch dark then from the floor rose two evil looking chairs. It was made out of lava rock but wasn't hot. "S***!" Manipulation mumbled. "C'mon let's go." He said pushing me into the evil looking chair. "Are you crazy! Me! Go to where? Hell?" I screamed. "Well... Yes, but not technically. I don't know my bosses wants to see you." He mumbled. I was about to get off the chair when my hands were engulfed like putty. 'I'm stuck...' I thought. Manipulation smiled darkly as he sat on the chair. We both disappeared when manipulation snapped his finger.

I saw visions that was only in my nightmares. The horror was unexplainable. Well not anymore, the only thing I could say to describe it is 'hell.' I remember Manipulation laughing as he sat next to me. Then I passed out. When I awoke again I was sitting on the same chair but surrounded by a bunch of people in suits. They were all sitting in a circle like constructed meeting room, where the people around the room could over see the ones on the bottom... And we are on the bottom! "Ah you've woken up." Manipulation smiled. I could tell he was hiding his horns under a fedora hat and his tail probably tucked under his clothes. "Why am I here? Who are these people?" I asked frightened. The people around the room laughed darkly. It was depressing. "This is the knight's council." Manipulation responded. When he talked I noticed all his teeth were sharp. "Be polite these are the very people you will see if your sent to this place." He smirked. "Although you can't go to either any way." He continued. "Wait! What!" I asked frightened. "You're the clock bearer are you not? Do you not know the duties you must fulfill?" He said. The council people smiled and gleamed their eyes. *gulp* I was nervous but demanded for answers. "Tell me what they are, don't look at me like that!" I yelled. "Angie." Manipulation called and a angle walked forward.

She was a fallen angel bacause I could see her faint halo was being replaced by horns and her white wings were being shaded by the darkness. " As clock bearer you and your whole family suffered through every generation switching sides with the good and the bad. But after death you are chosen to rome amongst the lost souls and help them balance out their life so they can be sent to either heaven or hell. Your grandpa was the last clock bearer but he tried to hide that clock away to keep you safe. As punishment he was sentenced as guilty and will never be seen again. Details are unnecessary and I will not further explain. But back on topic, last generation was chosen to help out in heaven so this generation (as you already guessed it) gets to be with us. So instead of recruiting lost souls to heaven you will be recruiting them to hell. For better or worse it still balances out good and evil." Angie talked long and without taking a single breath. "Go away now, and don't show up again till your pure darkness!" Manipulation yelled. "Y-yes Injured Knight." She said Bowing and walking away slowly. "W-wait! So I have to... No! I don't want to do this!" I screamed. "Eh? You won't do it?" Manipulation yelled. "No f*** you guys!" I yelled back. "Heh." Manipulation snickered. "Fine. I guess I finally get to use my sword." Manipulation was happy as a girl brought him his sword. "You know this sword is of fine quality, it is the best to leave scars and such. But for this case I could kill someone just by making them look at this sword. Good thing you're immortal huh?" Manipulation said looking through the sword. "One last chance clocks. No going back after this, will you recruit people for hell?" Manipulation continued. "Fuck you." I said flipping him off. Manipulation smiled this is going to be fun. He slice my face with the blade and it hurt like I was dying in a fire. I was about to scream but hesitated. I clenched my mouth shut and stared at him with an angry face. On the palm of my hand he sliced a pentagram and said a few words in demon. He grabbed a jar full of blood!? Using a few drops he placed it in my wound. "What the f***! Let go! Stop!" I yelled. I pulled my hand but it couldn't move, I was still stuck to the chair. The fallen angel came back to retrieve the jar when she whispered into my ear. "That blood... it's from your dear grandpa who tried to save you." My heart felt like it had stopped. My grandpa? What have they done to him... Manipulation sighed. "I wouldn't have to do this if you'd only agreed to the terms." The fallen angel turned pure black and the halo dropped like a piece of plastic. "Hehehee. Thanks you stupid brat." He giggled as she left the room. "I can see that your relatively pissed off. Sorry but this is a thing that will never go away. Don't tempt faith." Manipulation smiled darkly. "STOP!" A fimiliar scream ran across the room as manipulation put down his blade. "Ah, má chérié!" Manipulation smiled. "What are you all doing? Having a meeting without me!" She screamed. The demons on that looked down on us bowed in respect. "I demand an answer! Every single one of you will make a 10 page essay on what went on today!" She continued. The demons all answered at once saying 'Yes Princess Hallow' Hallow noticed manipulation was hiding something behind her and pushed him aside. "Clocks... What have they done to you?!" She said sadly. "Oh nothing much, just cut me open and pour my grandpa's blood in me!" I yelled. "Injured knight." Hallow turned around furious. They started yelling at each other in demon but I couldn't understand.

Manipulation's POV
"Hm? What?" I answered politely. "Why the f*** did you do this to Clocks!" She screamed. "Ah... He didn't abide to the rules." I said. "What? What are you talking about the rules?" Hallow yelled. "Angie." I called. Angie came forward and explained again. "Oh. So it couldn't be helped then. But you! Still you could've given the role to someone else then doing it yourself! He will never be able to trust you again!" Hallow continued. "The only way from making you do it was for me to do it. The council told me this a few days ago. There is no one else eligible for the job." I continued. Hallow was surprised. "I was suppose to do that... To clocks?" He asked. I nodded. She was silent as if picturing what would happen if she had to do it. She looked back in clocks who was in pain. "Everyone leave meeting adjourned! Including you injured knight." She yelled. I nodded as I left the room. 'I don't need trust. I'm a demon after all.' I thought as I sat down on a bench. Looking down at all the suffering roasting souls somehow made me remember of the past. "..." I enjoyed my silence during all the screaming and suffering.

"He will never be able to trust you again!"

Somehow those words bothered me... It's impossible though I've already lost all humanity and hope. All that's left for me is darkness. I chose this, I accepted this. Trust? That's foolish, even the daughter of the devil should know that. Everything that humans say is lies. That's why... That's why they need a savior, that's why they need wars. That's why everything perishes. Humans are really the worst kind of thing that can happen to anyone. Even to themselves.

To Be Continued...

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