Book 2 Chapter 19: Carnelian Rose

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Halloween Nightmare's POV

"Rest unworried Phoenix, I will protect your place in your absence." I muttered as I walked to the door. Suddenly I heard a loud clicking sound, it was from the bedroom! I rushed over there and found Mind-Keeper holding a statue of a flower. "What's going on?" I asked. "Kenna said she'd seen this flower before! She lifted up this statue and under it was a button. So she pressed it and it opened a secret room. I'm just here studying the statue." Mind-Keeper explained. I walked over to the secret path and looked inside of it. The path was dark and it smelled like moss. "Kenna." I muttered as I lit a torch and carried it with me. After traveling down several flights of stairs I found Kenna looking at a flower in a clear case. The flower was made of fire and it floated in midair. "This flower! I've seen it in my dreams before, it was there when the house burned down! It was there in the woods when I was running away!" Kenna said. "Then it must be destined... Take it." I responded. Kenna walked to the flower case and lifted it gently. The second she grabbed the flower it dissipated into Kenna's hand. Kenna's eyes grew wide as she screamed in agony.

Fire came from her mouth as steam rose around the room. Kenna fell to the ground as wings made of fire spread from her back and a vine whip made of fire wrapped around her arm as thorns grew around it. Her clothing changed as it turned into a fiery red dress with blazing hot flames burning off the sides of it. Kenna was silent as the pain stopped. She then got off the ground and dusted herself off. "The flower told me... That I was destined for this power... It told me that it's name was the Carnelian Rose." Kenna muttered. "Let's go back to the others..." I said as I helped Kenna walk up the stairs. When we all got upstairs we saw Clocks. He had made his way from the house back to here. It seems like he didn't read all the scrolls because he only started reading the last of them now. "WAIT! NO DON'T READ THE LAST SCROLL!" I screamed. But it was too late... Clocks read it... His eyes widened as he started to breathe heavily. He clenched his fists and started to punch himself. "It's my fault! My fault!" He muttered as he punched himself over and over. "Clocks... What about our team..." Kenna said trying to cheer him up. "NO!" Clocks screamed. Then everything stopped.

Clock's POV

As I screamed those last words time stopped. Nothing moved... Sounds were no longer there. The day didn't change to night. The screams of agony and regret could only be heard by one person... And that's myself. Even my turtle Jeffrey was silent and frozen, as if she was a statue... So I stood in place, maybe if I don't move I can become a statue too! Maybe life can get better for everyone else! Nothing will move! Nothing will continue! The ill people suffering is no longer dying! But that comes with a price as well... Everything is not living. Nor breathing, or blinking... Just stuck. In a loop of time where time itself doesn't exist, because time froze too... just like my will to survive...or live... The regret was just too much. It's too much...

(Much earlier before time stopped...)

Grim Reaper's POV

We sprinted to the edge and actually started swimming. I mean it when I say sprint. We were sprinting the exact same way or else we move backwards to the same spot and then go forward. It was a single file line of just sprinting. Hanabi just stayed in the back to watch our form and feet. And by form I mean standing straight. "Faster, faster..." She would say occasionally. She was terrible, she was going too fast for use to keep up. She wanted inhuman speed, we couldn't do that. But, I must admit ever since she came back we all had gotten fit fast. Some faster than others, but seriously I improved so much. I was quicker in combat and weaponry. She also taught us archery, slingshot shooting and even blow darts. Although Disgrace was already great at blowdarts he also improved. Doing our training I had failed and dishonored her expectations. So I have been a punching bag for a while. Yet she still congratulates us all for improvement. But, this one time Hades didn't want to listen and disobeyed Hanabi's orders. She was pissed, she screamed at him and even slapped him, hard. He couldn't believe it, she had said that she was disappointed. After a while she apologized, with giving him a shapeshifting weapon. (Only changes to different types of weapons.) He denied the gift and told her he deserved it. She smiled and gave him a gentle, caring hug!! That's when she told him "I'm proud to be your mother."

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