Chapter 2

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Most of this story will be in Virgils view point but it will change time to time. Pov: Virgil
I was warm? Something heavy was on top of me giving off heat. I opened one of my eyes to find I was in someone's bed but it didn't look like one of the rooms they had. I opened both eyes yawing until I winced in pain, I sat up and looked at my legs to see them wrapped in bandages, someone helped me?
It then hit I was in someone else's house!
I jumped up scared when I heard voices outside the door " That's it I'm going to check up on him!" "Roman why don't you just let him sleep he was injured when Patton found him" the second voice sounded a lot more deep and serious than the first one which was deep and full of emotion.
Then the door swung open and i coward into a corner my ears flattened while my tail sank in between my legs. I looked up to find three men, all of them taller than me, standing there. The tallest one had red highlights in his hair, emerald eyes, he was tanned nicely and was very muscular. The second man was slightly shorter not by much though. He wore black rimmed glasses, he had dark blue highlights in his hair and his eyes were a sea blue. He wasn't as body built as the first but you could tell he was toned. The shortest out the three had light blue highlights, with sky blue eyes he didn't exactly have muscles but he still had a built body.
The shortest one started slowly moving towards me a smile plastered on his face. When he got close I started whimpering " hey, hey we're not gonna hurt you kiddo, but can you get back in the bed while your legs are bandaged for me?" I carefully made my way back to the bed, struggling to climb back on because of it's height, but I was still ready to sprint off if something happened.
They all sat carefully at the edges of the bed in an uncomfortable silence until the more serious looking one spoke " Well we should introduce ourselves my name is Logan" he then pointed to the taller male "this is Roman" the male now known as Roman smiled at me reassuringly, which calmed me down a little then the bubbly man in front of me said "and I'm Patton! I'm the one who saw you passed out on the doorstep" I then remembered the events that played out by the looks of things yesterday. "Can you tell us your name" "I-um m-my n-na-name is-um v-Virgil" I closed my eyes expecting them to laugh "Virgil that's a very unique name, fit for a very unique neko!" I opened my eyes to see who had said that and it was Roman who said that. My ears stood up as well as my tail and a smile formed on my face but soon dropped when the man Logan asked
"So, is it all right if I ask you how you ended up on our doorstep?" "U-Um w-well my old m-masters hurt m-me and I um ran away" "oh kiddo, well how about we show you the house, hm?" (You can guess who said that) "And maybe the nerd over here will let us keep you and be your new owners, how does that sound?" After hearing that my ears perked up and my tail was swaying back and forwards. I obviously didn't know these people a lot but I kinda trust them a little bit, maybe these people are different...
And that's chapter two done, damn it's long. Most of the chapters will most likely be this length as I kinda get lost in writing

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