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So, please don't break my heart,
Dont tear me apart. I know how it starts,
Trust me I've been broken before </3

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As soobin and Lia got closer, Lia stared falling more deeply for Soobin. However, Soobin cannot return those feelings. For as Lia and him got closer, he also got closer to Eunji.

That day, Lia was sitting alone again- for her friends are busy practicing for their events. Yuna was sick that day so she couldn't come.

Eunji noticed this- and being the kind person she is, decided to walk over to sit with Lia.

"Jisu!" She called.

"Oh, Eunji! Hi!" Lia smiled widely. "Let me guess, your friends are busy again?" She asked. Lia nodded sadly, "they keep ditching me.."

"Don't worry! Once June comes, all their events will be over, and you can spend time with them again." Eunji smiled. Lia smiled back. She understands why everyone likes Eunji. She is smart, caring, popular, and pretty. She is even student council president.

"I guess so.." Lia sighed sadly as she took a bite from her sandwich.

"Hey, do you find anyone attractive?" Eunji asked Lia. Lia's eyes widened, "Huh? What? Why so sudden?"

"You know, i feel like your friends are attracted to a guy. Its just you that I am not sure about." Eunji explained.

"Hm, yeah.. i do find someone attractive actually. You?" Lia asked.

"Hm, yes I do too!"

"Ooohhh~~ who is it??" Lia teased.

"Its... someone.." Eunji said shyly as blush creeps up her cheeks. "Really? Come on~ tell meee" Lia whined.

"Fine. But only if you tell me yours!" Eunji said sternly. "Fine. You tell me first though!" Lia reminded.

"Yeah, yeah" Eunji rolled her eyes.

She took a deep breath before speaking, "I like- Soobin.. Choi Soobin. From chemistry. You know him?"

"YOU LIKE HIM??" Lia exclaimed. Her world came crashing down. It's obvious that Soobin has feelings for Eunji too. Despite her wanting to just break down and cry- she is a professional emotion-hider. If thats even a thing-

Lia smiled, "Oh my gosh, sister! You should tell him!"

Lia didn't know what got into her to tell Eunji to confess to Soobin. Why the heck did i say that?? She thought.

"I don't know.. he probably doesn't like me back.." Eunji frowned, still blushing. Anyone could mistake her as a tomato.

Lia was about it to speak, but Eunji cuts her off, "Enough about me!! You promised me you will tell me yours!"

Crap. Shit. What am i gonna say? Omg someone save me!!

"Ummm... It's uhh.. uhh.. Someone from my neighborhood. You won't know him." Lia stuttered.

Eunji frowned, "Aww..."

Before Eunji can ask for his name, The bell rang. Lia has never been so thankful to go to class in her life. Saved by the bell! "Well, uh.. I'll head to class!" Lia said quickly, and walked away.

As she was walking to her next class, Lia had so much in her mind. What if Eunji actually confessed? What will happen to her and Soobin?

Unfortunately, what she feared most.. happened.

A few days after her encounter with Eunji, she promised Soobin to meet up at the café after school.

Of course, Lia gladly accepted.

As she arrived in the café, Soobin was already there, his big bunny smile plastered on his face. "Someone's happy." Lia teased as she sat down in front of the smiling male.

"Yeah! Something happened today! Oh my gosh, best day ever!!" Soobin exclaimed, still smiling.

"Hm? What happened?" Lia asked curiously.

"Oh, I can't believe it, Jisu-ah!! I got a girlfriend!!!" Soobin exclaimed happily.

"Huh? What? Thats great! Who is it??" Lia asked, trying her best not to cry and keep the widest fake smile.

"Oh, It's my crush! Eunji! The Eunji! I can't believe it! I am actually dating Mia!!" Soobin exclaimed- maybe a little too loud since people from the other tables turned to look at them.

After muttering a couple sorries to the bystanders in the café, Soobin turned to look at Lia who seemed to be spacing out.

"Jisu? Are you okay?" Soobin asked.

"Y-yeah! I-I'm fine, I just got something on my mind, that's all." Lia smiled. Her eyes threatened to produce tears, but she blinked it back. Luckily, Soobin didn't notice this.

"What is it?" Soobin asked. "It's nothing.." Lia muttered. "Lia.. You know you can tell me, right? I'm your best friend!" Soobin encouraged.

Best friend. Sigh..

Luckily, her phone rang- right that second.

Without checking the caller id, or thinking twice- she answered; just to save her from further interrogation. Little did she know, it was a mistake.

Lia answered with the first person that pops in her head: her mom.

"Oh, mom! You want me home? Okay I'll be right there!"

"Sorry, Soobin. I got to go, my mom wants me home." Lia told her friend before scurrying out of the café.

"Didn't she live with Yeji, though?" Soobin thought.

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After scurrying out of the café, Lia checked the caller ID, and it was an unknown number, with the Canadian call code. Lia expected the worst. She has an idea of who the caller is. And she hopes she is wrong.

"Hello? Who is this?" Lia asked the person in the other line in English, after realizing the call wasn't ended.

"Oh, Julia.. Did you miss me?"

She panicked. Lia knew that voice all too well. It was her mother. She was right. Her evil, wicked, mother.

Knowing her mom, Lia knew she wanted to destroy every single bits of happiness in Lia's life. Knowing that she said Soobin's name since the call was still on- What if- what if she does something to him?

What will she do to him?

"Soobin, eh? I wonder who he is..." Lia's mom muttered from the other line.

"Crap." Lia cursed and ended the call.

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Lia ran back to Yeji's house.

Wait let me explain, just in case yall don't understand.

So, Lia's parents hated her so bad. She is unwanted and is treated like trash. Lia lived in Canada, but one day managed to run away to Korea, to get away from her evil parents. That is one reason why she wanted to commit suicide.

By answering the call, Lia's mother can track her daughter's location. And she will be caught, in Korea. Who knows what her mother would do?

Lia ran to Yeji's house in the speed of light, bursted the door open, and panted hard. "Lia? You're back- oh my god what happened?" Yeji exclaimed as she ran over to her panting friend.

"Yeji... she found me.."

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Sorry for the wait- um this chap is kinda short too, and it was kinda rushed. Im sorry :/

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