The Pub

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"S-sto—STOP!!" You shouted at the top of your lungs. The cold brisk air mixing with the coolness of the rough exposed bricks that stretched up and down your back. A rough hand coming to cup itself over your parted mouth.

"We're just having a little fun, aren't we? pretty lady" his voice raspy and snarky as his hot lips trails up and down your neck - marking your soft and supple skin as he went along the juncture. His other hand holding your hands above your head - taller than you. He held the power. He knew that.

"Gonna have lots of fun with you"

As tears rolled down your cheeks and sobbed were muffled by the harsh hand - your eyes darted to the smashed phone on the ground in the alleyway. Grayson's name lighting up the screen. All the while Ethan sat in front of Brie at a dinner date - 3 missed called from you on his phone......



"You need to get out of that dark depressing box you've hidden yourself in for the past week Y/n? Come out tonight? Let loose? Forget about—"

"Ugh— don't even say his name Sarah" you groaned as you flopped onto your bed. "Besides I haven't been hiding because of Eth—" you stopped yourself from finishing his name, he hadn't tried to talk to you all week. Instead? Ethan Dolan has been flaunting his newly developing relationship all over his socials. Something he never did with you. "Because of him" you corrected yourself. "I've been sick and the last thing I'd wanna do it get you or Greg or anyone else sick because honestly? this shits like the plague." You heard Sarah giggle into the phone at your over exaggeration.

"But please? Come out tonight? It'll be fun and you deserve to have fun? Bring your vlog camera! Maybe you could turn a good night into some coin" she teased. You couldn't see her but you knew she was rubbing her thumb against her fingers.

What's the harm in a little fun right? You deserved to have fun? You mulled over the decision of wether or both you were going to go - if you wanted to go through the effort of showering and making yourself look at least 3 percent decent. Your sweats had been your best friend the past week.

"Okay" You'd sighed into the phone as you rolled over. "I'll come out"


"Ethan!!" Grayson bellowed down the hall. "E, dude c'mon bro we gotta make a video!" Grayson knocked on Ethan's door as he normally would be barging in anyway - only Grayson wasn't expecting to see the sight he saw. Ethan nuzzled into the crook of Brie's neck. His arms gently wrapped around her waist as the covered draped What Grayson suspected to be their naked bodies.
She was awake - Ethan? Not so much. Softly snoring as he held her close.

"Uh morning?" Grayson caughted. Caught off guard to say the least. He'd know her less than a total of 9 days.

"Morning Gray, id usually be up by now but I Uh—I have a leach—"
"M'not a leach Brie" Ethan groaned as he slightly turned.

"Ethan we gotta get this video done" Grayson was trying his best to stay out of the conflict. You weren't answering his calls, his text, his anything. Hadn't since Ethan came home earlier in the week an absolute mess and punched a hole right near his bedroom door. Only to follow his actions by smashing his bathroom mirror.

Grayson knew you were hurting - but judging by the way Ethan was acting? You'd think he'd just been blessed with the girl of his dreams. Not dealing with the fact you'd told him you'd loved him - all this time. Like he always wanted you to. But he threw it in your face? Why? Why the fuck did he do that?

"Can we not do it tomorrow?" Ethan groaned as Brie giggled - finding it amusing that her new man had such a hatred for mornings. Or waking up in general. It being 11am.

"No, we have to today. We have shit to do tomo—" Grayson felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. Pausing his sentence to reach down and grab it - his eyes lit up when he saw the stupid photo of him and you lighting up his screen. The nickname he'd given you when you were 7 plastered the screen.

"Sup pretty lady" Grayson smiled as he answered the phone. "Miss MIA"

"I know, I've been such an ass" you sighed. "but uh—hey I was just wondering if, Uh if you weren't doing anything with Jasmine tonight than maybe you'd wanna come out with me and Sarah?" Grayson could hear in your voice that you sounded less sick. He heard the happiness in your voice. You were excited.
"Yeah uh, me and Jasmine didn't quite work out" Grayson laughed. "Way to high maintenance"

"Oh really?" You were home surprised. "What about Br—"

"God please don't even ask, I'm about ready to jump" Grayson groaned as he left Ethan's room - Brie's brows frowning at who this "pretty lady" could be.

Ethan knew. He knew that's what Grayson always called you now days. A pet name reserved just for you. His eyes were wide open when heard that name. Woundering why you called Grayson and not him.

"So did you wanna come out? Don't feel pressured or obligated to but the offers there? I'd love to see you - catch up" you spoke as you tried to deep condition your hair - phone on speaker echoing through the bathroom.

"If I can coax Ethan into filming and we get done at a reasonable time sure! Fuck I miss having you around through - house feels oddly quiet without you haunting the halls" Grayson teased as he tried to set up the most charged camera. Kyle pulling up as he spoke.

"We're gonna go to Finnain's, that new Irish joint at like 8? It's karaoke night"
"Okay well I'll settle for nothing less than replay by Iyaz." Grayson laughed as you did too. "I guess I'll see you than pretty lady?"
"Ugh you're literally the best Grayson I fucking love you" you smiled and giggled into the mirror. "Bye"

"Catch ya, love you too" Grayson replied, hanging up just as Ethan rounded the corner.
"What Y/n want?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. Having dragged himself up and out of the bed begun sharing with another. The smell of your disappearing with every passing night.
"She was just checking in, you know? What friends do?"

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